Chapter 2 ~ Pool Party

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This is Chapter two. Enjoy xx


Chapter 2: Pool Party

*Marie's POV*

"I can't wait until later!" I said while jumping on my trampoline.

OMG! SAME HERE!" Krystal and Cassie shouted while they played on the trampoline.

"Lets go over the checklist" i said, organizing the last items.

"Okie dokie" Cassie says getting off the trampoline.

"Snack table?" I said.

"✔Check" says Krystal in her cute British accent.


"Check" Cassie says tapping the big stereo that my dad let us borrow.

"Shade, umbrellas and chairs?"

"Double check" Krystal giggles.

"Cooler with drinks?"

"Cool check" Cassie dances around the coolers that i placed near the snack table. They were acting like those women who showed off prizes to contest winners.

"Now personal checklist" I say getting more and more excited for the party.

"swimsuits,towels, sunscreen, room clean sunglasses, cute shirt after pool and make up just in case?"

"Check it all off ma lady" Krystal says.

"All right we're--" i get cut off by the amazingly loud doorbell. I quickly cover up the exposed snacks and We rush towards the sliding doors but i cover the pool with a button so that bugs dont go in.

We slip and fall on the smooth, shiny auburn floor while we ran towards the door. I laugh and get to the door first.

"Ha!" I say as i watch Cassie and Krystal topple over each other laughing. I open the door and look up to see Ethan. His eyes sparkling in the sun. He's wearing a white v neck and swim trunks. I think i drooled a little.

"Ethan...youre early!" I say giving him a quick hug.

"Yea sorry i just wanted to see if you would need any help" he replies, his grin making me melt.

"Oh well we just got done but were about to watch a movie while we wait for more people. Wanna watch?" I asked politely.

" depends on what movie it is" he says smirking. Teasing me. Then as soon as i know it he carries me in his arms to the living room. The doorbell rings again but Ethan wouldnt put me down.

"Ethan!!" I screamed and laughed at the same time.

"I GOT IT!" I hear Cassie and Krystal scream.

I hear the door open and Krystal squeal.

I laugh and tell Ethan to drop me. He drops me on the couch and i immediately run towards the door. I see Krystal and someone hug.

---Krystal's Pov-----

I opened the door and see Riley's face turning red. I knew he had a thing for me but I didn't want to break his heart so I just ignore his face and said "hi".

Riley tried to act normal and said "HEY BEST FRIEND!" And hugged me.

"Awwwww!" I hear Marie and Cassie practically melting their hearts out.

"Come on in" said Marie with a welcomey voice.

"So..umm" I said in a very awkward voice.

Then finally, Cassie shouted from the kitchen "hey Krystal, why won't u introduce us to your friend!"

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