Chapter 4: Telling the others

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When we got to the hide out, Lily, Alexander, and Marie were all there.

"We found out the name of the guy who killed Annabelle's mom!" Damian blurted out. So of course, everyone wanted the details. I just let Damian tell them because he seemed to be enjoying himself. When he was finished and no one had any more questions, I asked "Are we done here yet, because I'm bored and my aunt is going to be worried pretty soon."

"Yeah, we can get some more info tomorrow." Damian said, going back to the big brother role. 

"You go to bed, you need your sleep. Everyone else, lets go hunting!" and with that they went their seperate ways. The small group of vamps went to the woods to go and feed, while I went home to face my aunt. I stay up all night and sleep all day. I graduated a year early so I changed to the vamps schedule. My aunt didn't particularly like that. Still doesn't. She thinks its my 'new friends' that are making me act this way, but really, I feel more like myself at night. 

     So I walked back to my aunt's. I knew it wouldn't be pretty, but what I saw when I walked into the house was not what I expected.

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