Meeting Miss Bode

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"Hello? Is anyone here?" calls a high voice. I look down; standing at the base of the tree I am occupying was a girl with long black hair and Ravenclaw robes. I jump down next to her.

"Ah. Sirius Black. I should've known. This is you and your friends' usual hangout, isn't it? Where are they?" She asks looking around.

"They're probably eating in the great hall. James and Evans are probably snogging in some broom cupboard," I reply quietly.

"Quiet tonight, are we Black?"

"Questioning much,..."

"Cassandra. Cassandra Bode." She says, extending her hand.

"Ah, Cassie. I knew you looked farmiliar. Aren't you one of Evans' study buddies?" I ask.

"I am one of Lily's  friends and we frequently study together in the library, seeing as we are in different houses."

"Ah. So, you're not a Gryffindor. Not brave enough?"

"Oh Black, if you're so brave, then why did I find you snivling in a tree without the rest of your gang, the Marauders; Lovesick James, Kind Remus, and  Slytherin-loving Peter?"

I couldn't argue with the last claim; Wormtail had been spending a lot of time with the Slytherins lately. "My uncle Alphard, the only one of the Blacks that I actually liked, died recently. He gave me all of his money, which will probably make my mother burn his face off of the family tree as well. She did that to my picture when I ran away."

Cassie stands still for a few moments before turning back to me, "Well, there are always the nuts in the family. Look at me: most of my family has been in Slytherin on my father's side, same on my mother's. I'm the first Ravenclaw for a while."

"So what you're saying is that I'm a nut, Cassie?"

"That sounds about right, Sirius." She replies grinning.

Cassie (First Book in The Greengrass Chronicles)Where stories live. Discover now