Meet Chloe

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Name:Chloe Jones
Family:Sarah Jones(mom)Brandon Jones (deceased)Rosie Jones(sister)
Hobbies:singing,dancing,reading,football (soccer)
Personality:weird,funny,loud,carefree,loving life,polite
Looks:pale skin,plum lips,blonde hair,blue eyes
From:Dublin Ireland
Good at:singing, dancing, football(soccer)
Instruments that I'm able to play: guitar, piano,flute,violin,and drums

Hi I'm Chloe I have a little sister named Rosie who is 3 years old our dad died of cancer 2 years ago I love to sing I was home schooled all my life and I barley have any friends I'm going to try out for the x factor tomarrow morning I should probably be going to bed its 11:39 night

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