I sigh and slowly stand up, slinging both straps of my backpack on. "Will?" I ask him.

"Uh... Yeah?" He asks me cautiously.


And with that, he took off out of the classroom with me hot on his heels, shouting and plotting my revenge.


Hey angel, did it hurt when you fell from heaven?

~Your Secret Admirer

I read and re-read the note, entertained by the cheesy line but also curious.

After getting my revenge on Will, we had separated to go to our different classes. We shared classes later on, but fortunately for him, not the next one.

So my revenge wasn't as big as it could've been.

After my psychology class, I walked to my locker to retrieve my books for chemistry--which I did share with Will. Once I had opened my locker, a simple folded note fell from it and onto the floor.

And you can guess what the note said.

Now I was walking to class, wondering who on earth would've wrote it for me.

Maybe whoever wrote it put it in the wrong locker.

Yea, that would make more sense than the idea of a secret admirer.

And besides, what we in, fourth grade? Hasn't anyone ever heard of a conversation? How hard could it be to say hi?

I was pulled from my pessimistic thoughts when I walked into Chemistry, spotting Will at his work station easily. The spot where a potential partner would be was still open, but I could already see some girls looking over longingly.

Jeez, if you want to sit there, just sit there. It's not like you are proposing marriage or anything.

"Hey, is this seat taken?" I ask Will, standing on the side of the working station.

He looks up from where he was writing and makes eye contact with me. His eyes light up as a smile finds its way onto his lips. "Now it is." He says, gesturing for me to take a seat.

I give him a kind smile, sitting down and pulling my Chemistry text book and my lab manual from my backpack. "So, how was your last class?" I ask him, setting out my pencils and pens and other necessary items for class.

He shrugs as he glances at me before going back to writing in his notebook. "It was okay. I mean, I understood it, but English Literature can only be so entertaining."

I nod my head as I open my notebook, seeing the homework that I had finished last Friday. "That's good. Hey, if it's not too much to ask, could you go over my homework answers from last Friday?" I ask.

He sets down his pen and looks over at me, his blue eyes deep as the night sky. "Sure. Let me see. While I'm at it, think you could read this for me?" He responds, pushing his notebook over to me.

I grab it and prepare to read. "What's it for?"

He takes my notebook and shrugs. "It's a poem I have to write for English Lit. They wanted us to write on a strong emotion. I already finished it, but I'm just editing it and I want to know what you think."

I nod my head and read it as Will looks over my notes.

Once there was a man
Who always had company.
Not once was he by himself,
Not once did he receive sympathy.

Skater Cinderella (First Edition)Where stories live. Discover now