Gold Rush

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"... I was told to put my job in front of you

But it won't hold me the way you do

But I do-"

"Stop by that Mazda over there" I said to the cabbie loudly enough, for him to hear over the song played by the radio station he had tuned in, and mentally thanking the God for not having to hear the full song. "that'll be 14.20 ma'am" said the cabbie, after parking over at my house. I paid him quickly, and rushed inside, as if to avoid hearing that song once again. But it was useless, the song was already on my head, and the lyrics were piercing my heart, and that voice.... It brought back the memories that suffocated me.

It'd been four months since I left Ed. After a relationship that lasted for over two years, I just couldn't do it any more. So I packed up and left, when I realized enough was enough. But it wasn't easy. It was pretty hard for me to move on without him, and according to what I'd heard from his friends and mine, it was even harder for him.

The beginning of our relationship was as sweet as the next person's. We met in a Christmas party at one of our mutual friend's place. The small talk there, led to exchange of phone numbers and then to some amazing dates. Then came that stage of dating where you call the other person thirty times a day. This phase went incredibly well, even with Ed's busy schedule. This was also the phase where many firsts happened. First kiss, first sleepover, first sex, first fight, first hangover.... And all those firsts would last in my memory forever. That was the speciality of Ed. He gave his hundred percent to the things he loved doing, ergo, made them unforgettable moments, both to him, and to other people who were involved in them. That includes, but not limited to, his music. After many more wonderful events happened, decided to move in.

Living with Ed Sheeran was as easy as living in my own place. That was basically because we had so much in common. Everything from food to furniture, from movies to landscaping, our choices tallied up so perfectly. So living with Ed was like living with myself.

 Loving Ed, was even easier than living with him. He was surely the most lovable person ever. I fell in love with everything about him. From those bright blue eyes and the infectious warm smile which could light up an entire country, to the freckles that splay on this shoulders. From those multi coloured tattoos that covered his arms to the charming personality of his. From his sense of chivalry to his quirky habits. From the way he hummed while cooking to the seriousness of his eyes when he was tuning his guitar. From the way he blushed when he was nervous to the way his face filled with lust when he made love and every little thing he did, or had, in between.

The downfall of our relationship was a result nothing else, but the success of his career. No. Fame never got in to his head. Ed wasn't a guy like that. As a matter of fact, it was the complete opposite of that, which led to the crumpling of our relationship. He still wanted hang out with his friends the same way he used to, before he was famous. He still wanted to talk with every single fan who came to talk with him, even though he wasn't playing in small bars anymore, but stadiums. He still wanted to be the Ed Sheeran he had always been. Sometimes he managed to do all these, but in the majority of time he failed at this attempt. He became busier with every passing day, such that I hardly ever saw him twice a day, even when he wasn't on the tour. What made everything worse, was alcohol.

I was used to Ed's drinking. I was used to him coming home drunk in the evening, I was used to driving him home when he was black out after a party or an award ceremony. I wasn't a fan of it, but I was used to it, and tolerated it. Because no matter what type of mess he'd create while he was drunk, he always made up for all of them, when he was sober.

But then came the times when I couldn't find a day when he's sober. He was always at an event, or a gig, or an interview. And whenever he was not at any of those, he was at a bar, drinking as if it'd be the last time he'd be able to drink. He would come home in the middle of the night and wake up late in the morning, just to follow the same cycle. No matter how many times I asked him to stop this endless loop, and no matter how many times he promised that he won't do it again, he always did. Both our tempers ran high, conversations turned in to arguments, and then to fights. Days and weeks passed by, with us not talking to each other, until some random event would come up and befriended us. But that wouldn't last for a long time, and we'd go back to the same circle. Could I do this any more? Could I be with someone who's either away or black out all the time? Sure, the days we had at the beginning of this affair were golden and filled with love. And yes, Ed was everything I wanted in a lover. But I couldn't just hold on to a memory of a beautiful relationship and hope this mess we were going through right now, would make a U turn.

"We need to talk, Ed" I said, when he came home for after a meet up with some of his friends.

"Yeah?" he asked, checking his phone, as he sat on the living room couch. That was it, the last straw. He wasn't paying attention me even when he could.

"Can't you just stop staring that screen for a while and listen to me even for a minute?" I demanded, folding my hands on my chest. He glared at me, and threw his phone on to a side of the couch. "What do you want now?" His sounded irritated.

"So now I you don't even want to talk with me? Is that it?"

"You know it's not like that, why do you always have to be so clingy?"

"Clingy?" I repeated furiously. "Since when was having a conversation considered being clingy?" I hissed at him. Before he could answer my question, his phone went off. Stared at the screen, and bit his lower lip, wearing an expression mixed with fatigue and and frustration. He stood up. "I'm late for an interview"

"So you're gonna leave, just like that?" I asked, with disappointment quite clear in my tone. "Ed, what's the point of this relationship if I can't even talk with you at least for ten minutes straight?"

"The point of this relationship? Yeah, Sandra, I'd been wondering about that too" Ed fired back, and that made my heart freeze over. "Honestly, I don't see a point in this relationship" He snapped, staring at me with those piercing blue eyes. And that moment, I felt like my world just collapsed. Like the surrounding was moving fast forward, and we were just frozen. 'We', Ed and I, 'us'. Was there ever an 'us'? Would there be an 'us' hereafter?

"So..." I said, my voice hoarse because of the lump in my throat. "So, that's it then .it's over" I stated, after a few seconds, which seemed like the worst I'd ever had. I was shocked, at the way this was going to end, and at the same time, inexplicably pained. "Okay, then."

A part of me said that Ed wasn't aware of the weight of his own words, yet another part of me said enough was enough. Ed stared at me, and I stared back at him, with the full understanding that this would be the last time I'd ever see him again. His expression was unreadable, and he didn't sound like Ed when he said "Okay". I stared at him walking away, and getting into his car. I made my way back into the bedroom. Our bedroom. This might be the last time it'd be called ours. It only took me a few hours to pack up my stuff and leave the house, and another few hours to rearrange my old apartment. And after four months I still feel that it would take a lifetime to stack up and throw away the memories I had with him.   

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