Eyeless Jack Pt.2

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Sighing, he turned the last page over on his notes packet, memorizing his handwriting slowly. Suddenly, a knock at the door tore him from his studying. Jack turned his head and eyed the door, then rose up from his desk to answer the door. Pulling it open, he was surprised to see Jenny standing in front of the door. "Oh... Hey Jenny." Jenny smiled and waved."Hi Jack! What are you doing inside on a Saturday?" Jack looked back to his desk before turning back to the girl.

"I'm getting my studying done early so I can enjoy the rest of the day with relaxation." Jenny nodded her head understandingly and placed her hands on her hips.

"Well, I'm sure you've done enough studying, you should come outside. Everyone's doing something today." Jack mentally sighed in relief. Good, so people WERE here today. "I'll come out when I'm done. I guess..." Jenny giggled and nodded again. "Hehe, okay~! See you later!" As just like that, the student was off in a flash. Jack smiled a little before closing the door, making his way back to his desk. He sat down and began rereading the page of notes, keeping everything fresh on his mind.

Then it hit him. How did Jenny know where his dorm room was..? They never really talked to eachother, let alone shared dorm room numbers. It kinda gave him a creepy feeling at first. But then his realist side thought otherwise. Maybe she saw you come into this room once without you noticing. Maybe Greg had told her what room he lived in, and it just so happened that Greg and he shared rooms. Shaking his head in frustration, Jack rubbed his temples.

"You're just overanalyzing everything Jack. No need to fret over pointless stuff.." He said to himself, running his fingers through his hair. Maybe he was done studying for the day. Again, he swiped up his hoody off his chair and slipped it back on, along with his shoes before heading outside. When he got to the bottom of the stairs, he felt himself breath another sigh of relief when he saw how many students were up and about. Glad to know he wasn't going crazy. He watched as some people played ball, tossing either a football or baseball. Girls were huddled in groups outside, talking about lord knows what, not that he cared. He was just happy to see people. Just then, a hand crept over his shoulder. Jack looked back to see it was, none other than Jenny. Again.

"O-oh, hey Jenny." The girl smiled

."Hehe you're outside of that dark room! Took my advice to come out eh?"

Jack smiled nervously, giving a nod or two. "You should hang out with me and my friends. We're gonna go for a walk in the woods." Jack rose a questioning brow. "For what?" Jenny laughed."We're just hanging out at our place. Come on, don't be a wuss." Jack felt a little hesitant at first, but he slowly came around and agreed to follow. Jenny grabbed him by the hand and began tugging him along, making sure he was close.

"Hurray! Off to the Cave!"

"The Cave?" Jack asked, watching the forrest grow bigger with every step.

"Our hangout silly! Sarah found it at the beginning of the year, so we decided to make it a hangout area for us."

"Us?" Jack asked again, looking back over his shoulder watching the school slowly get consumed by trees.

"Me, Sarah, Bobby, Fred, and Luna. You ask a lot of questions." Jack couldn't help but let out a nervous laugh.

"Sorry, I don't mean to. I've been having a rough weekend is all." Jenny looked back at him and smiled.

"It's okay! We all have our days." As minutes passed, the two walked around what seemed like an invisible path that only Jenny could see. Jack couldn't help but begin to worry. He was about to open his mouth to ask another question, until the girl released his hand, punching her fists in the air. "We're here~!" She sang, running ahead of the boy. Jack looked up to see a rather large cave next to a babbling brook.

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