Me: heyy its cody (:

Dani: oh hey cody :D whats up?

Me: just heading to the studio

Dani: oh thats awesome. id love to hear you sing sometime!

Me: really? you wanna come and listen in? (:

Dani: omg thatd be amazing! sure!

Me: okay cool! is at Atlantic recording studios

Dani: ill be there (:

I smiled..oh gosh. what did I just do? do I like Dani? I cant be falling for her! but what if she thinks this is a date? no. we're just friends...right?! and what about Amber?! I must have had a stressed look on my face cause Shawn looked over at me and said, "you okay dude?" I shook my head and snapped out of it, "uh yeah! fine.."

When we got to the studio, I saw Dani sitting on one of the large white sofas in the lobby. uh oh. Shawns gonna freak on me. She noticed me and ran over, smiling, "Cody!" "hey Dani!" I hugged her and looked over at Shawn, who was shaking his head, "Dani! wasnt expecting to see you here.." he said to her while glaring at me. She looked back and forth between us and then looked at her shoes, "Im sorry, I thought I was aloud"

I felt guilty for not asking Shawn and gave him a pleading look. He rolled his eyes, undertanding my message, "no, its alright. you can come and listen if youd like" she looked up and smiled, "thank you sir!" the three of us entered the recording room and I went behind the glass to slip on some headphones. Sitting down on the wooden stool, and began doing some vocal excerisizes. I watched him adjust different things until he was ready to start.

He flicked on his microphone, "alright we're gonna start with track 4, got it?" I nodded and cleared my throat as the music started. as I was singing, I looked over at Dani sitting on the couch and smiled. we ran through the song multiple times, before working on different ones. I noticed Dani had been texting for a while, clearly giggling. she brought her phone to her ear, looked at me as if apologizing, and slipped out of the room.

She was out for at least a fifteen before she returned as we were finishing up track 2. i wondered who she had been talking to, but I decided not to bother her about it. I paused for a minute and asked her, "what do you think so far?" she walked up the microphone and responded, "youre really amazing! I can see why Court is such a big fan" I laughed, "thanks!"

We finally finished up for the day and I took off my headphones. I stepped out of the little room, "hey Shawn, can I have a moment?" "sure" he grabbed his stuff and stepped outside. "sorry I couldnt talk earlier, I wasnt supossed to be at the hospital in the first place." Dani nodded, "oh its fine, I was just suprised to see you!"

"yeah, um. I kinda snuck out with my sister to visit" her eyes widened, "wow. thats so sweet of you!" I chuckled, "Im gonna go again tonight. my sister will probably come along too...will you be there?" "I think so, yeah! Id love to meet her, she looked nice" I went to grab my phone of the table, "yeah she is. and if we dont get caught, We'll try and visit more often"

"thatd be really cool" she said with a smile and we pushed the door open, heading out to the car.

When I got back to my hotel room, I was greeted by Alli throwing her clothes in my face, "hey brother, remember our deal?" I groaned, picking the clothes off the ground, and placed them in the basket, "yeahh. I do." I pushed the door open with my foot and headed down to the laundry room. a whole month? Alli can be a pain sometimes, but I love her anyway.


That night, Alli and I snuck out once again, and Dani and her family were there this time. I introduced Alli and she made friends with everyone quickly. while we we chatting I invited Dani to come to my recording session again, and she agreed. Alli and I didnt fall asleep this time so we were back at the hotel by around 2 in the morning. ~~ Later at the studio, while Alli and Shawn were listening to a few of my recordings, I was sitting with Dani just talking.

"so do you wanna go and get dinner afterwards?" she coughed on the water she was drinking and set it down, carefully, "like...a date?" I shook my head, "well, no. Shawn and Alli are coming too." "um- Cody. I havent been totally honest with you." she paused, "I mean, I havent lied...but I havent told you everything either.." I cocked my head to the side, confused, "what is it?"c

"I have a boyfriend. His name is Jacob" she said hesitantly and I stayed quiet. "Im so sorry. I shoudlve told you. I was just afraid it would be too weird for us to hang out if you knew" I didnt really know what to say, so I just stared down at my hands and thought for a moment.


I hope you guys like this! :D and I hope it cleared a few things up between Cody and Dani XD haha Ill be posting the next chapter laterrr tonigh! wooo! (:

i own nothing!

Perfect: A Cody Simpson Love StoryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz