Chapter 7 - Cracked

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Chapter Seven


June 5th

"You want mine?"

Ruby's eyeing up the plate of eggs and hollandaise sauce that I've barely touched because my stomach won't settle. Tequila and strong coffee not agreeing.

"Yes please," she replies as I push the plate over. She tucks in with a feverish hunger unlike anything I've seen.

I ignore the disapproving look the waitress gives us both, and sit back. Sucking in breaths to keep my head from spinning.

We're sat outside the chic cafe Ruby had suggested, under the white awning between the metal iron fencing and colourful flower boxes. Watching the world pass by, pleased that we've nowhere urgent to be. We still have an hour or so left before we have to sneak back into the office, and I intend on drinking my weight in water so I'm not a hopeless mess once we do arrive.

Ruby finishes off the eggs, and takes a long sip of her ice tea. "So, you haven't told me about the guy you met last night."

"It's really not a very interesting story," I reply casually.

She's having none of it. "Oh come on. Just give me something."

I sigh. My head still feels like an egg being cracked open, and I've got little patience for small talk but Ruby's been so kind, and sweet that I feel as if I owe her at least some of the details. She's clearly still high on the giddy encounter with Joel, and I know that she only wants to share that feeling with me.

So I paint a picture in her mind of a tall, good looking guy with a smooth as silk American accent and eyes like rare jewels. I don't go into detail about our conversation or how his arm brushing up against mine made me entertain explicit thoughts. I want to keep some cards close to my chest, and I doubt it's appropriate to confess to such things in front of an eighteen year old girl.

Still even with the bare bones re-telling of my encounter with Dylan, Ruby seems happy and content. Like I've let her in on a little secret.

"Oh my god Jemima. He sounds wonderful," she says breathlessly. Her elbow on the white linen cloth table, her chin cupped by her palm. "Are you excited to see him again?"

"Apprehensive," I tell her. "It's always different the second time round. We hardly know anything about each other."

"First dates are always nerve-wracking but I'm sure you'll be fine. If he's as nice as you say he is then you don't need to worry."

Wise words from a girl whose been exchanging twitter messages with Joel, the guitarist all morning. Nervous about going alone to the gig he's invited her too and worried that she might not be cool enough for someone like him.

Still I appreciate her sentiment. "Hopefully. Will see how it goes."

Ruby's attention span is short, and pre-occupied with thoughts of Joel. "He's said that I can watch from the side of the stage. Then he's asked me to come along for a few drinks with the band after."

I nod, and smile. Tell her that's great for the third time.

"I can't believe it though Jemima. Can you imagine if my dad hadn't bailed? There's no way I would've ever been able to talk to someone like Joel."

"Your dad protective then?"

Ruby snorts. "Nah. Far from it but I mean like I'm so glad you got to come with me. Like it was meant to be right? Us going. You meeting Dylan. Me and Joel.... I'm actually happy my dad cancelled."

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