"Cut the crap Sam" I was bugged "Now you come to the point"

"Raj do anything but please please wait for me. I promise my commitment once I am through with this two-year job opportunity. I do."

"Wow! Are you indirectly accepting the marriage?" I asked expectantly.

She took a deep sigh "I know I have to eventually..." she went offline, a bit distracted.

"Do anything, try and convince your parents whatever you can do but give me two years, only two.."

"Baby then I guess this marriage for convenience is the only.."

"Raj Raj Raj.." I was cut mid conversation "I have to go. You do what seems right. I trust you and remember I am here for you" and she hooked up before shouting "coming in a bit..."

But it wasn't for me.....

"Gran ma please I don't want to marry"

I sat on the floor bended knees, my head on her laps.

Looking from distance anybody would say I am her pet dog sitting besides her.

You can laugh because this is what my inner doing rolling on the floor practically laughing at me mockingly

Love stoops you to the level of an animal.

"Okay" she giggled at my dismay "Even your granpa did not want to marry in the first place" she smiled as she moved her hands on my soft hair

Yes they are soft I use deep conditioning for them

"He was afraid of commitment" and she patted me on my back lovingly.

"But see how our wedding turned out to be. I have your father, uncle, your silly mom" she made a funny face looking at my mom working in the kitchen making me laugh.

I coughed widening my eyes, my gesture of saying it was my mom she was talking about.

My gran ma took the clue and covered it up saying "Yeah she is a package melodrama cum entertainment and then I have you, my grandson" her eyes lit up even though I know that we both are aware of the facts but she never discloses it.

It is like a hidden secret of the family

And No I am not going to share with you guys, Ha!

Not now at least

Soon she was deported to her past "I still remember how happy he was when he held your father for first time." Her eyes welled up by now "and when you held his finger for the first time, the sparkle in his eyes was twice more. Had he been here how proud he would have been to see you full grown up, responsible, tall and full of values just like Malhotra family, our family, your family" she was sniffling by now.

I don't blame her illness now she actually loved gran pa that much that she misses him and they were one hell of a couple. I have seen an old black and white video where he kissed her and she turned scarlet hiding her face in the veil of her dress, completely adorable and the pile of pictures in which they were doing all the PDA's and honestly they do not look gross.

They look adorable couple just stepped out from Nicholas Spark's book.

Don't judge!

I do not read cliché stories

Even though I'd love to but I know because Sam made me watch all the crap Walk to remember, Message in the bottle, Lucky one and blah blah blah and even though I watched with a grimace I did secretly enjoy it.

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