The next morning

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*hannahs pov*

She ended up falling asleep and I slowly started to put my arms around her. She was adorable while she slept, she looked so peaceful... So happy.

*graces pov*

I wake up slightly confused as to why I'm in someone's arms. I look up, oh yea! I remembered I had stayed over at Hannah's. But why did I feel so good about being in her arms? I had a boyfriend and as far as I knew I was straight... Straight?
Anyways I slowly Maneuver out of her gentle yet hard cuddles causing her to wake up
Grace- G'morning
Hannah- oh hey
Grace- i was just going to the restroom and then probably going to head out
Hannah- oh uh okay

*hannah's pov*
I was disappointed she was leaving but I guess that's normal that she is leaving, I means she wasn't going to stay forever. While she was gathering her clothes and all of her other belongings I got dressed combed my hair and brushed my teeth.

Grace- what are you getting all dressed up for
Hannah- oh I was just gonna go get some breakfast and go on a walk, I have a lot on my mind and every now and then I like to walk to get my mind off things.
Grace- oh alright we'll see you around hannah I had fun, thanks for helping me!
Hannah- it's no problem
As I was walking out I Noticed a small a small piece of paper on the cabinet,
On it there were number and graces name above them with a winky face
She left her number?!
I dial I'm the numbers on to my phone and shoot a text to her, and with that I throw a backpack on, put some snacks in it grab my beanie a hoodie and tie the laces on my vans and begin my venture.

*graces pov*
As I was leaving I left my number considering I have her clothes and plus she seems like a fun person, and she made me feel this weird tingly feeling, Chester my boyfriend doesn't even do that. All of this sudden I feel my phone vibrate and its hannah for some reason I got that tingly feeling again. Weird...

How did this happenTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang