Chapter Two

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"The name's Alby. Welcome to The Glade."

I slip my hand into his and shake it. He looks up to me with a slight smirk plastered across is face. Most probably from my look of horror and distress.

A tall, blonde haired boy walks up and stands next to... Whatever his name was. He also sticks his lanky hand out for me to shake.

"Hey, I'm Newt, Alby's second in command." I take his hand and shake it too. Even though he has more of a firm grip, his presence is more calm and inviting.

Alby speaks up. "Now, can you tell us your name, or anything about yourself?"

I stare at him, shocked. It's only just occurred to me that I can't remember my name, or anything really. I take a step back, the sudden realisation hitting me like a ton of bricks. Bricks.

I make some sort of inaudible sound starting with the first two letters of the word brick.

The two boys in front of me laugh lightly. I scowl at them and they stop almost immediately. I take this time of silence to take in my new surroundings.

Walls covered in cracks and vines, a few bits of moss here and there, surrounding The Glade as they seem to call it. A few buildings made from wood are scattered around in no particular order. Hammocks hang from trees by the entrance of a large forest, casting off to oblivion.

Bree. My name is Bree.

"You remember something, greenie?" The blonde one bends down to my line of sight.

"Yeah.. my name.. its Bree." I exclaim, a bright smile plastered across my face. His eyes light up.

"Hey, we talk the same. Would you look at that. You shanks can all stop pointing it out now." He exclaims, making sure the last part is loud for the people at the back.

"Well, Bree, come with us, and we'll talk you through the basics" The dark one says, a small path crafts it's way through the boys. They look like they've never seen a female in their life, the faces are priceless!

I follow Alby through, the blonde one walking behind me.

If you can't already tell, I'm terrible at remembering names.

We start walking through the massive field, before we come to a stop.

"Hey Newt, didn't you realise that the box came up later than usual?" Alby questions, turning around and looking over my head.

Newt just simply nods, a puzzled look smothered on his face whilst taking a quick glance back.

The boys are removing the boxes from the cage, a taller boy with really absurd eyebrows strutting around like he owns the place with a clipboard and a pencil, ticking as his eyes scan the boxes.

"That's Gally. Keeper of the builders. I'll get to that later. But I do suggest you stay away from him, he can be a real slinthead sometimes" Alby explains, murmuring the last sentence. He swiftly turns around, walking towards one of the wooden shacks.

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