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"Do you ever sleep?" A raspy voice asked.

I didn't move and replied, "Sometimes." He shook his head. And I only knew that he shook his head because he is now standing above me.

Michael stared at me, eyes wide with bags underneath. Almost as if he was trying to stay awake. I think he spaced out, too. I felt uncomfortable under his gaze. I wanted to disappear. There aren't many people who make me feel that way. And I'm not sure if this is because he stares or because I'm intimidated of him.

"Why aren't you wearing pants?" I asked before I rolled on to my stomach to sit up. Michael seemed very proud of his corn dog boxers by the smirk on his face he then proceeded to tell me that he got them from Urban Outfitters. 

"I sleep in boxers," He shrugged and sat next to me at a safe enough distance so I don't feel crowded. Or he was afraid he'd lose his balance and fall on me if he got to close. "You're just lucky I put a shirt on." I nodded and forced a light laugh.

Him coming out here wasn't on my agenda, but it's not like I had plans anyway. He will just distract me from my thoughts. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing.

"Why are you," He yawned, obnoxiously may I add. "out here by the way?"

My answer was simple. I told him I liked the sky. He grilled me about it for a long time.

"Why do you like the sky? I don't see anything spectacular about it. Its just a big empty space." This poor, ignorant, deprived, child. How he does not see the beauty in the sky I do not know. I wonder what else he doesn't see in the world. What I do know is that he is about to watch the sun rise with me.

I told him, "You will see exactly why in a few minutes." We lied there for 3 minutes before the first ray of sunshine broke over the horizon. The sun bled a bold orange and yellow over the water, reflecting on the blue ocean. On the opposite side of the sky was the moon, an almost transparent grey crescent. Seconds went by before the remainder of the sky was an illuminated baby blue.

I've seen plenty of sunrises from where I'm from, but not one quite like this. Every shade was so much bolder and vibrant over the water. The orange was my favorite because it could blend with yellow or red and just take over the sky. Water and sunrise;blue and orange the perfect contrast. It was simply beautiful.

"It's just a sunrise." Michael bluntly stated.

"It's amazing," I looked at him with one raised eyebrow. His nose looked swollen, I frowned. I saw his eyes move to see me, but he didn't turn to me.

He spat, "What?"

"Your nose is swollen," my voice soft.

"Yeah," He rolled his eyes. "Thanks again for that."

I kept quiet. His tone was very rude and I didn't know how to retaliate.  I thought about him as I watched the sky's orange fade away. He seemed angry, ornery even. I was afraid of making him angry. It could very much be that he is tired. Another thing that confuses me about him is that he is out here, but looks like he hasn't slept in 2 days. I'd rather not question him about it. Maybe it is a personal thing.

A familiar creak came from the house. The window swung open and out came Ashton. Oh no.

"You two are banging!" He exclaimed like the know-it-all he is. This angered Michael and had the opposite reaction on me. I just rolled my eyes and yawned while Michael stood up and corrected him.

"I told you before, mate. I don't want anything to do with her." The same feeling hit me in the stomach when he said that.

"See Ash?" I backed Michael's statement so he would believe us.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2015 ⏰

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