Chapter 7

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"Fuck Ethan, stop," you grumbled. "Why should I baby girl?" Ethan whispered nibbling on my ears. Shit, shit, shit, oh and well shit. I'm not wanting to get raped.

"Ethan I'm sorry I had to do this," I said before I kneed him in the nerve bundle. "Fuck!" Ethan screamed letting go of his grip.

I ran out the door and panted as I looked at Grayson. "You okay?" Grayson asked like it's not obvious. I gave him the 'really nigga' look and he laughed. Not the right timing Grayson.

Ethan came out falling down the stairs, and the best part was his balls landed on his fist when he was at the bottom of the stairway. He groaned.

"Karma comes back," I said smiling. "Shut up you whore," he snickered. "I don't know why you're talking about yourself," I replied.

"Oh burn," Grayson smirked. We high-fived each other. "Oh and Maci, do you mind telling me what that white stuff on your shirt is?" Grayson asked confused.

My eyes widen as I heard Ethan chuckled behind me. "Uh-uh it's nothing really," I stuttered, trying to make up an excuse. "Maci I'm not dumb, I know what it is," Grayson laughed uncontrollably.

"Then why'd you ask dickwad!" I pushed him playfully. "Just to see your reaction." That bastard.

"Got to get going before Ryan plans my funeral tomorrow," I said. "Bye Hun," Grayson said as a joke, or as I hope so. "Yeah,yeah," I rolled my eyes. I think I roll my eyes too much, I'm surprised they didn't fall off yet.

Ryan wasn't at home. Weird. I looked at the counter top for a note, but I didn't see one. Okay he might just of went to go get something real quick, and should be home in a few.

I checked my phone and did my things I needed to do. He's still not home yet. Even more weird. It's 9:56 PM right now. I looked in his room and saw something. I don't know if I should be scared or not.

I saw a freakin dildo. What the actual shrimp is going on here? I went closer to his bed, and saw a picture of a girl with what seemed to be like semen. Damn. I had enough of seeing boy's disgusting cum that contains about 4 million to 6 million babies.

I saw that his phone was still here. I know his password, because he's so stupid, he has those most obvious pass codes. I typed in 1234. Worked like a charm.

I looked at his messages, and find a girl named Caroline. I looked at their conversation. Oops? She told him to meet her at 8:45 PM today and that she wanted to have some fun. She also gave him her address.

Of course my stupid ass brother said on my way baby, meet you in a few. I scrolled up a bit more and saw nudes from both my brother and the whore.

Another dick today? Great. I locked his phone and went over to my room. I know Caroline. She's a slut from our school, and she sucks dick for money. Pre-prostitute much? Just like her mother, and her mother's mother. Genes much?

It's so boring in this house. I was about to go get some food downstairs, when I heard a noise coming from downstairs. Oh heck naw. I took my lacrosse shaft and held it my my side. Grayson got it for my birthday last year.

I peeked at the living room and kitchen to see nobody. I tried to say quiet and calm as possible. When I got to the botto of the stairs, I saw Gizmo. What the heck?

As I was about to pick up Gizmo someone from behind me touched me and I whacked them in the head with my lacrosse stick.

"So you're gonna use my presents against me now huh?" Grayson mumbled rubbing his head. "What the heck Grayson Bailey Dolan, you know that I get scared easily and this is what you do to me?" I screamed about to kill him.

"Oops?" He hesitantly answered. He was nervous, you could see. I laughed and fell to the ground rolling. "Are you on drugs Maci?" Grayson asked.

"Hahahaha, so funny Grayson," I looked at him with a straight face, still on the ground. "Whatever," he said in the most dramatic way ever, and flicking his imaginary long hair out of his face.

I bursted out laughing, until I felt something leaking under there. Shit, I'm on my period. "Fuck," I groaned. "Looks like you got your period," he smiled. "Shut up."

"Want it go buy chocolate, ice cream, and watch horror movies?" He offered. "Yeah," I smiled.

"Do you have an extra skateboard Maci that I can borrow?" "Yeah it's in the garage, you go get that while I go get a pad," I said. He nodded.

I changed, and wore a very uncomfortable pad. Heavy duties can save you from cooties. That rhyme I just made up sucked.

"Maci you coming?" Yeah, I'll be down in just a sec," I hollered.

When we got outside, I got on my skateboard and and skated slowly, since this pad is so uncomfortable. "Looks like that period of yours is stoping you from fun," he whined while stretching the n in fun.

"Hey, I should be the one whine here stupid," I looked at him in disbelief. "Yeah right, seeing you in this condition makes me sad too you know," he stated while looking forward. Awe, that was cute.

"Right in the heart Gray, right in the heart." He continues to smile.

Once we got there, we bought so much random stuff. We were going to do the condom challenge, so we bought a box of condoms.

The cashier gave us a weird look, and said we were too young to be doing this, and I was too ugly to have sex with someone that is hot. She said that it should have been here.

Oh she pushed it. "I'm sorry, but the last time I checked your job was to bag items in Wal-Mart not being a prostitute honey," I smiled at her and left Wal-Mart.

Wal-Mart's bae no joke right now.

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