24 days old

21 1 1

Its Michelle's birthday today. But I'm scared about Chelsea's bowel bursting again. Bianca called me "Hi Karlee, I have some disappointing news that Chelsea has died.". Said disappointedly Bianca. "Seriously??? 72 hours later after surgery. I know Doctor Jeff told me. Chelsea can die from the surgery, bye Bianca. I sadly replied. Guys Chelsea died. Doctor Jeff told me that she can die. In loving memory of Chelsea Anne Delaware-Pescott. Miss you baby girl. Michelle sang a song about Chelsea. "I barely knew you, but I'm your Auntie Michelle. Chelsea Anne you are amazing in your smile. Your heart to Auntie Michelle made me cry. A second of your life you were on a breathing machine. Lily, Penelope and Aubree miss you. My baby niece I miss you. To Chelsea Anne.

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