2. First day

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my alarm went off bright and early so i could grab a shower. the warm water soothed my body and helped me relax a little. i used a face scrub to make sure i looked my best before drying off and searching through my wardrobe. 

 i decided on wearing a black pencil skirt that fit my curves just right and a white blouse loosely tucked in. i threw on a pair or black dolly shoes with bows on before i straightened my hair and put on a small amount of make up.

i dragged my tiny suitcase full of only a few outfits and all my hair and make up products down stairs and left it y the front door.

' what you cooking mum, smells good.' i said walking into the kitchen and sitting on a stool. she smiled at me and placed a plate of pancakes in front of me along with a range of berries. i wasted no time digging in. ' its so good mum, thanks'

' don't worry about it hunny' he kissed the top of my head and walked into the living room before sitting down. i looked at my watched after clearing my plate and noticed it was getting late. i had suh a long flight.

' you ready to go' my dad said spinning the car keys on his finger. i nodded and followed him out along with my mum.


' im going to miss you so much baby girl, promise to call as often as you can' she said with a strong grasp on my small body. i chuckled into her shoulder and replied with  quick 'yes' she sighed before letting me go and my dad took over crushing me into hi chest as tight as he could like he was loosing me forever. it made my heart pain they thought that sometimes.

' if you need anything don't worry about asking us for anything, money, advise, a plane ticket back home' he smiled and i shook my head in amusement.

' yes dad, although i can handle myself.' 

' i know baby' he said before kissing my head one last time and waving me off as i walked through security.


the flight was the longest and most horrible thing i have ever experienced. it was 16 hours long and there was still 9 hours left until we arrived. i was thankful thigh that my new boos had upgraded my ticket last minute to 1st class so i wasn't too uncomfortable. it was around 2 am my time and i couldn't sleep. i had been fidgeting for the past hour or so and finally decided to get up and walk it off, maybe a full balder was keeping me up? maybe i was hungry?

i stood up and walked to the back and waited outside toilet as it was in use. within 2 seconds the door sung open and i stepped back as the person was looking down to fix his shirt.

he was so good-looking, and id be lieing if i said i wasn't looking at his v- line when he lifted his shirt slightly.

i think we hit a bit of turbulence or something because the plane jolted and before i could help it, he had fallen against the wall and i had fallen into him.

'im so sorry' i mumbled getting up. i heard him chuckle to himself and i looked up and watched him shake his head before walking back to his seat only a few rows behind mine. i put my head down and went on with my business feeling so embarrassed.


when we landed at half 11 Miami time i yawned and looked for someone with my name who would be collecting me.

i sat down for around 5 minutes before a man in a black suit held up a sign with my second name and i smiled.

i stood up and went to grab my bag from that little belt thingy but it wasnt there so i had to wait for it to come around. once it was close enough and i went to reach for it my fingers were millemeters away and i couldt reach. small problems. But someone else grabbed it quickly from behind me and i huffed. 

' i could of got it myself, but thanks i guess' i said while turning around. my heart sunk as i looked up to see the same guy from the plane. he was so tall, i had to lean my head back to see his face.

'your welcome' he chuckled and handed it to me.

' sorry, im Elizabeth by the way' i smiled and held out my hand.he out stretched his arm and shook mine politely.

'hi, im- '

' come on dude, you know she'll be pissy if were late!' a guy called behind him, he was tall also but had dark skin. 

' sorry i have to go, nice meeting you.' and with that he left. i shrugged my shoulders and made my way over to the black bmw outside where that same man stood.

' miss Harvey' he said nodding his head a little as he opened the door for me.

'thanks.....' i looked for a name tag but there wasnt one and he noticed.

' Edward ma'am ' he smiled and i nodded back before getting in. i cant wait to see the hotel. or my boss, or the building we work in... or the people we work with! 

thoughts raced through my mind.

i might meet someone big like lady gaga, or beyonce.....

one can only hope.

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