"thank you for your company." g-dragon reaches out, taking my hand.

"let’s go get something to eat, all of us." the door creaks open and Tiger walks in, his shoulders hunched. he glares GD down and I walk over to him.

"um, Tiger, could I have lunch with them?" he shakes his head.

"we have a photo shoot." I bite my bottom lip, turning to them

"sorry, I've got to go." I bow slightly and T.O.P holds out a slip of paper after scribbling on it.

"here, if you change your mind, just give me a call." I nod and take it.

"thank you very much." I look up at Tiger and smile.

"well, can we get fast food on the way?" I ask as we walk out.

"sure." I fist pump.

"I want French fries!" I skip down to the truck and jump in, turning on the music. I dance to it while seated as he gets into the car.

"off we go." I smile and lean back into the seat. I look out the window and wave as they walk out. Seungri waves back and I smile, mouthing 'I’ll try to come back' he nods and the car pulls out of the drive way.

"off we go."


"and you’re done." I nod and bow

"thank you for your time." the photographer says and I smile.

"bye." I pull out my phone, slipping past Tiger without him seeing me.

"Top?" I ask into the phone.

"ah, hello." I race down some steps.

"hey, do you think you could come pick me up?" I walk outside and sit on the bench.

"sure, where are you?" I look up.

"um, a bench near the market on um, wait, I'll send you a picture of the street na-" someone sits next to me.

"oh, never mind, I'll see you in a moment, ok?" I hang up and turn.

"why are you here?" Jiyong smiles.

"I was just walking by." I nod and he holds out a hand.

"are you finally coming over?" I nod and he smiles and as I take his hand we start walking.

"so, how was the shoot?" I shrug.

"good, I guess, I never really liked the photographer much though, he's creepy." Jiyong nods.

"next time, i'l goes with you, that way I can stare him down." I chuckle.

"no need, I've got Tiger." I he smiles as we wait for a cab.

"you guys seem close, how long have you known him?" I look up at the clouds.

"eight years?" I ask myself as we enter the car.

"you seem unsure." I smile.

"well, I kind of forgot, ugh, forgive me tiger." I put my head in my hands then chuckle.

"I've always been forgetful of things." i stretch.

"enough about that, how are you and the guys doing?" he blinks.

"um, great." i smile and lean back in my seat.

"good." i shiver lightly and he takes my hand.

"Are you cold?" i shake my head but he gives me that look and takes his jacket off, putting it on my shoulders. i pull it on and scoot close to him.

"I’m just really tired." he smiles and ruffles my hair.

"the drive will take a while, just sleep."


"oppa!" I hop over, refreshed from my nap and hug Daesung. he smiles wide and picks me up, spinning.

"Hi~" he sings, setting me down. I smile and hold a hand over my mouth. he snaps a finger.

"oh." he claps his hands over and over.

"I have some ice-cream, do you want some?" I freeze, stunned.

"ice cream?" he nods.

"yep." I clap hands with him.

"sure." just then Seungri walks by.

"oh, Lee Eunkyung, I heard you were on healing camp." I pause for a moment and blink, looking at the ground, a chill running up my spine. please don't bring that up.

"did something big happen?" please don't. don't bring it up. I feel my face become warm and something wet slides down my cheek.

"Lee Eunkyung?" why did you bring that up? my phone vibrates but I can’t move. images dance around my head.

"Eunkyung." someone wraps their arms around me. Daesung. he pats my back in a circular motion.

"Hyung." he says quietly.

"please don't talk about that." my shoulders become lax and i rest my head on the crook of his neck.

"why did he mention that?" i whisper to myself.

"all it brings back is pain." i close my eyes as the images swarm.

'eighteen year old shot dead in bus jacking.'

'hip hop dancer's brother killed while trying to save her.'

'hip hop idol hospitalized'



'I’ll get home on my own, don't worry Tiger.' i set my phone down and look out the window. i know Seungri apologized but it doesn't take the horrid pictures out of my mind.

"here is some tea." i look up to see G-Dragon smiling sadly.

"Daesung told me why you were all frozen, are you ok now? you don't seem to be in shock anymore, Daesung himself even seemed a bit down, and he’s taking a walk." he sits next to me.

"do you... want to tell me what happened?" I look down at the tea.

"it may help to get it out." I shake my head.

"I don't know if I’m ready to do that." he nods.

"that's ok." he holds up the tea.

"at least drink some tea." I nod and take a sip of it.

"thank you." he smiles and pats my shoulder.

"no problem, dinner should be ready soon." I shake my head slowly.

"I’m not hungry."


I gaze at the stars, absent minded then someone jumps out of nowhere and I stare at him with wide eyes. Daesung.

"ooh, you’re like a deer in headlights, I’m going to call you deer from now on." he smiles and ruffles my hair.

"hey, it's getting late, want to go home?" I shrug.

"I guess." he smiles again and motions with his hand.

"let's go." I pick up my things.

"I’ll go on my own, ok?" he gives me a look and I smile.

"I’ll text you when I get there."


I walk along the street, hands in my pockets and look up at the moon.

"Jeremy, I’m coming to visit." I turn a corner, boarding a train and then getting off at the cemetery. I crouch in front of his grave and look over the flowers I put there a week ago.

"you need new flowers." I smile and place a hand on the tomb stone.

"I’ll come back with new flowers, ok? lilies, your favorite." I turn and start down the road home. I walk up to my room and sit down on my bed.

"you always loved lilies."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2014 ⏰

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