part i

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Age 12

Cold. The little cell I was trapped in was so cold. Where was my mother? My father? Where was anybody? The men with strange clothing come in every now and then, poking and prodding me. After the fifth time they come in they say one thing.

"Она готова . Начните этап один." She is ready. Begin stage one.

That's all I remember hearing. Then nothing but pain, my screams deafening to my own ears.

Age 16
Punch. Kick. Block. Repeat.
I was in the middle of training when two teenagers around my age were brought in, stumbling, looking as if they hadn't had a decent meal in years. I must have been looking too long because my head snapped to the side, my right cheek stinging from the force of the slap. Bringing my eyes back to the man who was stupid enough to hit me, I could see him squirm slightly in fear. All I remember before blacking out was sadistic laughing and a voice repeating the same thing.

"Время для второго этапа." Time for the second phase.

Age 19, present day...

I laughed watching as Pietro sped spastically around the room, trying his hardest to move as fast as he could. The problem with that was that we were in one of the smallest hallways in this place and we weren't aloud to leave it.

"I am going to do it, just you watch." His accent flooded my ears as he crouched over beside me trying his hardest to regain his breath. This just made me laugh harder but I stopped when the building shook with the unmistakable sound of an explosion.

"Report to your stations immediately. This is not a drill. We are under attack. We are under attack." A voice sounded from the speakers above me. People were moving about franticly, trying to prepare for this attack. Looking towards Wanda, I saw that both her and Pietro were looking at me, trying to get me to go over to them, but I just couldn't. Moving out of the darkness, a gun was thrust into my arms, protective gear wrapped around my body, arms pushing me into position, readying me to launch myself from the safety of the inside.

"Who gave the order to attack?" Strucker's voice flooded my ears.

"Herr Strucker, it's the Avengers. They landed in the far woods, the perimeter guard panicked." A soldier told him, making me gasp slightly.

"They have to be after the scepter," he said to himself, "can we hold them?" He turned back to the soldier.

"They are the Avengers!" I spoke before I could stop myself, flinching when he turned to me, sharply. The glare he sent my way was enough to make me shut my mouth and get back into position.

"Deploy the rest of the tanks." Strucker turned back to the solider, ignoring me. That's when I made my move, leaving the compound on the side of a tank. The fighting was simple enough, almost the same as my training. Until a blue blur swept me up in his arms and sped me to the other side of the fields. When Pietro placed me on the ground I punched him in the chest.

"Ow! What was that for?" He questioned, holding where I hit him and moving away incase of more surprise attacks.

"You know I don't like it when you do that!" My accent thick with frustration. I pushed the hair out of my face, my eyes zeroing in on the smirk gracing his lips. "What?"

"You're so beautiful, even when you're annoyed at me." Usually his words would turn me into a stuttering mess but movement caught my eye and I forced the both of us to the ground, placing my hand over his mouth. A man clad in leather, carrying a bow and arrow ducked and weaved his way toward one of our bunkers. Pulling myself off of Pietro and into a crouching position over his body, I watched the man pull out an arrow. Suddenly I was standing 50 feet closer to the man as a blue blur caught the arrow. The man, not realising this, spun back around obviously expecting something to happen. When nothing did happen he turned back, readying another arrow.

| 1 | Heart Out || Avengers: Age of Ultron ||Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang