7. Only Half A Blue Sky, Kinda There But Not Quite

Start from the beginning

Ashton cradled his head in his hands. He weaved his fingers through his golden curls before tugging slightly. He let out a frustrated groan before looking up at Michael.

Michael's pear green eyes scanned over Ashton's distraught face. He weakly reached his arm out and Ashton gripped his hand.

"Mikey, do you remember what happened?" Ashton questioned his eyes sad.

"Hmm", Mikey thought aloud," I was going to tell Luke Iーoh, oh shit."

Michael felt alert now. His eyes looked all over the room rapidly. He felt dizzy and his body started to shake. He could feel his knees going weak and it was becoming hard to breath.

Michael gripped Ashton's hand hard asking for help. Calum softly scouted Michael over before he sat on the bed. He pulled Michael into his lap and started to move his fingers through Michael's damp hair.

Ashton was afraid. He had never seen someone have a panic attack before. Ashton had never seen Michael so distressed. Broken sobs escaped Michael's lips as his body began to trembled violently. Calum wordlessly held Michael closer to his chest hugging the boy tight.

It took a while for Michael to calm down enough to breath properly. He felt tired and his head was aching especially the back.

"I'm really fucking tired," Michael whispered into Calum's chest.

" I know you are," Calum mumbled his face buried into Michael's hair. Ashton was still holding Michael's hand in his. His thumb was rubbing circles on the back of Michael's hand.

"I haven't had a panic attack in years," Michael stated his head still buried in Calum's chest.

"I know mate," Calum said his throat constricting painfully.

Luke had come back to the room to find a sobbing Michael warped in Calum's arms. Ashton had tears silently crawling down his tanned cheeks.

Luke hadn't known what to do. He just stood off to the side. He felt forgotten as he watched them all together. He felt like he was intruding.

Luke had seen Michael fall. He left Alli on the bench feeling cold. Luke ran fast and hard towards Michael. He picked up the then unconscious boy in his arms and sprinted to the E.R.

Michael had been admitted and assessed. He had suffered a concussion and a laceration to the back of his head, not to mention that Michael had a panic attack before blacking out. Michael was in the trauma unit. He was to be kept under strict super vision.

The entire time Luke helped the Doctors and other Nurses. He stayed calm when he hooked Michael up to the heart monitor.

He stayed calm as he helped the other nurses roll Michael over so the doctor could suture the laceration. He stayed calm when Calum arrived frantic and ready to kill.

He stayed calm when Calum punched him in the face and broke his nose. He stayed calm when Ashton slapped him across the face. He even stayed calm when Calum kicked him out of the room. But when he saw Michael cuddled into Calum's chest he fucking lost it.

Luke slid down the wall until he was sitting on the cold tile floor. He tugged at his hair angrily. Tears swam around his cobalt blue eyes.

A large black bruise swept across his nose and left cheekbone. A candy red handprint adorned his right cheek. To top it all off most of his face was swollen.

Luke ran his tongue across his lips hissing as his upper lip stung. He hadn't noticed the split lip. He added another injury to the list.


Luke didn't feel quite right. He was on his bed in his room in their apartment. His chest ached just as much as his nose did. He was fucking worried about Michael. He had been kicked out of Michael's room again.

Luke felt betrayed by his friends. He felt heartbroken. He was confused. Luke didn't know what he had done to deserve that treatment.

And Luke was so very fucking worried about Michael. He just wanted to see Michael. Luke just wanted to hug Michael. Luke just wanted Michael.


"You did WHAT?" Michael shouted at Calum. Oh Michael was so fucking pissed.

"I didn't know you hadn't told him yet," Calum whimpered out his eyes glistening with unshed tears.

"We didn't know Michael," Ashton pleaded wrapping his arm around Calum.

Michael was livid. How could they do that to Luke? He was their friend too.
Michael just wanted Luke to be there with him. Luke meant calm and that's what Michael needed.

"I want him here," Michael sobbed angrily. He hate that he cried whenever he was angry. He wished that he could just punch something instead. He felt that no one would take him seriously while he was sobbing.

"But, he won't want to talk to us," Ashton stated plainly while bringing Calum as close to him as possible.

" Just get him here," Michael cried through his tears. He just really wanted Luke with him. Michael just wanted to make sure Luke was okay. He wanted Luke to see he was okay. Well, not okay okay but he'd survive.

Calum and Ashton walked out of the room leaving Michael angrily crying on the bed. Michael understood that Calum and Ashton just wanted to protect him, but they were too late. Michael was already heartbroken.

When Michael saw Luke with Alli he realized he could never make Luke happy in the way Alli could. Michael knew he wasn't what Luke wanted.


Luke walked into Michael's hospital room. Visiting hours were almost over. Luke stood by the doorway looking down at his feet.

"Lukey," Michael vocalized from the bed, "Come 'ere." Michael opened up his arms and scooted over. Luke tentatively walked over to Michael's bed and sat on the edge.

Michael reached his arms around Luke and pulled him to his chest. Michael's heart beat calmed and his mind cleared. He was calm and happy.

Luke felt the nerves he had before melt away. He shifted in Michael's arms until his head was on Michael's lap. Michael played with Luke's hair absentmindedly. Luke hummed contently. 

"I'm glad you're okay, and that you're not mad too," Luke mused closing his eyes. Michael started to trace patterns on Luke cheek.

" I'm glad I'm okay too," Michael hummed, " and I'm not mad, I could never stay mad at you."

Michael brushed his finger tips over Luke's bruised cheek. Luke sucked in a breath releasing it as a hiss.

"Shit, I'm sorry Luke," Michael apologized retracting his hand immediately.

"S' fine," Luke said calmly, "you didn't mean it."

Calum and Ashton sat by the window looking at Luke and Michael in awe. Calum had never noticed how well they fit together. Ashton had never noticed how they looked at eachother. Maybe there was more to Luke and Michael's connection. Maybe there was more than met the eye.


By the time you guys read this I'll have a new cover done by the lovely cruiseshiplarry so I dedicate this chapter to them! You're amazing and I love the cover! Don't you guys just love it?

On a more serious note, I want to explain to you guys that the panic attack that Michael had are the kind I have. So, please don't comment saying that panic attacks don't happen like that. Thank you.




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