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The adult's hues shakily focused on the blond, his heart pounding inside of him as his voice fell from the others lips. Did he know him from somewhere else..? He knew nothing of his past, he only remembers waking up in a hospital and loosing his memory. His thoughts tangled up trying his best to remember who this person was, he knew his name. But how? Arms wrapped around him and picked up the smaller male into his arms, Aoba leaned into his chest listening to the sound of his breathing. The sound of rain became louder as it fell onto the concreat, the wind became more chilly so he did his best to keep warm by snuggling into his chest relaxing before his thoughts slowly faded away and he dose off into sleep.
The male awoke with the familiar scent of hot chocolate, the slightest smile tugged at his lips from the overwhelming scent. He gained consiousness moments later, his eyes fluttering open and shooting completely awake to a room he's never been in. It looked nothing like his own, he couldn't even recall where he was or if he actually fell asleep. He stood up following the scent of hot chocolate, walking up to a small oaken table placed with two cups. One empty, the other still freshly warm and made. "Did you sleep well?" A deep voice spoke up, his eyes wandered to his allmate who caught his eye immediately. "Ren!" He called and picked up the allmate, smiling. "Does anything hurt, Aoba?" The male shook his head and smiled. "No, no I'm alright! He saved me from getting hurt. Are you damaged of any sort?" The allmate wagged his tail and stuck his tongue out like he usually did. "Not at all, he did wake me out of sleep mode to question if you'd like coffee or hot chocolate for this weather. A confused expression showed on his face looking down at him. "Huh? Really? I mean, I would thank him but I don't even know him. We should get going he might just wanna kidnap me." Ren nods as he went back to sleep mode and was placed into the bag, Aoba picked up his bag and looked for his sweater, he found it although it wasn't completely dry he pulled it on either way. He was caught by surprise from a hand grabbing his wrist, he didn't even hear footsteps so it was really sudden. "You'll get sick if you leave, I contacted Tae for you. You'll be staying here for the night, she wouldn't like it if you freeze to death in this horrible storm." The moment Tae-San was brought up, a horrible headache throbbed and ached his mind causing him to hold it and wince. "H-How do you know about Tae..? I never seen you before! Why should I trust a guy with piercings!? I don't know you!" The blank expression didn't falter, he simply stepped forward still holding his wrist talking in a monotone voice almost sarcastic. "I'm the guy who saved you princess, don't you remember?" Aoba widened his eyes and stepped back against the wall and blushes at the nickname. "I know, but I don't know you at all! You know Tae-San, and then you know my name?! I don't understand!" Soft Lips pressed against his as the blond pulled away. "Save it, your hot chocolate is getting cold." Aoba shut himself up immediately giving a small nod as they both sat down on the couch, They both talked completely forgetting the horrible weather outside. "So, I know you from the past? Like when I was a teenager? Playing Rhyme?!" "Mhm. I asked you to join Ruff Rabbit. But you refused." Aoba blinks and finishes drinking his hot chocolate placing it on the table. "You were known as a undefeated champion, and you'd get into fights a lot." Aoba felt a headache attack his skull causing him to yelp and hold his head with both of his hands. "Aoba, What's wrong?" The blond sounded, the tint of worry in his voice was there but just slightly, reaching over and holding the other by his shoulder. The bluenette groaned and closed his eyes tightly. "I-It's Desir-!" He fell silent immediately, a small chuckle leaving his lips. His eyes a bright yellow as he lifts his head up and met his gaze with Noiz. "Long time no see, bunny boy. Did you miss me..?"

BulletProof Love [Noiz x Aoba] CONTINUED VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now