Chapter 2

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You woke up in your bed
All cozy and happy.
You tossed over and onto the floor. "Oof!" You whined.
You stood up and sighed before going to your bathroom.

Jake entered your room to place your new outfit on your bed. But as he was doing just that, Eridan came in. "Wwhat do you think you wwere doin wwith my Fiancé?" Eridan asked angrily. "I don't know what your talking about my good sir. I'm forbidden to do anything with her." Jake said seemingly clueless. "And I must be going. Lady y/n will be out the bath soon...and I need to go make sure her breakfast is prepared" he said and quickly dashed down the hall.

Eridan mumbled something before leaving as well.

After a while you hopped out the bath and into your room. Jane was waiting there with the clothes that were on your bed. Once she dressed you up she spoke "your mothers holding a Ball in your honor, Tomorrow and would like to know who you'd like to be there." She said and you sighed. "All the servants....and my "royal" friends of course..." You smiled.
And by royal, you meant
Completely childish and inappropriate.
"Ah yes....your "royal" friends.... Gotta love them..." Jane said quietly before leaving your room.

Moments later you went down to the dining room where you found your favorite meal,
Hot and Ready for eatin on the table.
As you sat down your mother spoke "did you put any thought into what theme your ball will be?" You froze for a second before taking the first bite of the grits that were in front of you. "No." You answered. And actually you didn't care what kind of Ball it was.
As long as the servants were there...
As long as Jake English was there


Sorry for a long wait and short chapter ill make an attempt to make a chapter three today or tomorrow possibly today :3

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