Chapter 1

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Chapter One

Jolle POV

"Hey Man, everything will get better." My best friend Jaybee said, trying to encourage me to be happy regardless of how shitty my life was at the moment. "But Johan, what did I do wrong?" I asked in a very hurt voice. I just didn't know why we had to break up; we had been so happy. So why did my girlfriend --now ex-girlfriend-- just decide out of the blue yesterday that we needed to 'take a break'? I just didn't know what I had done that would make her unhappy enough to dump me.

As I looked up at Jaybee I saw a look of great pain on his face and I watched as it changed to an irritated one. With a now puzzled look on my face, I waited for him to explain his change in mood-- and he did just that. "Jolle that's just it!" He shouted, seething with anger as he talked through clenched teeth, "You didn't do f***ing shit! That--that bitch-- she broke up with you for no f***ing reason! She deserves to go to f***ing hell and burn for hurting you without reason! She's not worth your time and she is definitely not worth you blaming yourself for her actions!"

I blushed at that, feeling completely embarrassed that me wallowing in self-pity had caused him to go off like he just had. "I'm sorry..." I said dejectedly as I looked down at my feet and kicked a rock that was by my feet as I walked through the park with Jaybee. He shook his head rapidly before patting my shoulder lightly as a way of apologizing for yelling at me. "No man, none of this is your fault so don't apologize. I didn't mean to flip out on you like that... I should know better than to do that after all you've been through." I faked a smile to show that I wasn't upset with him. I true wasn't-- it was just that I hadn't been genuinely happy since we broke up yesterday.

"Okay dude, so what do you want to do now? It's time we get your mind off of bitchface." I cringed as he called her that. It was still much too soon for me to be okay with Johan --or anyone else for that matter-- insulting her. "Please" I begged as I shot him a pleading look, "I still love her and I don't want you saying stuff like that quite yet..." I watched as anger flashed in his eyes for a split second. It took all I had to keep from rolling my eyes at him. Yes I understood why it irritated him. Hell, if we had switched places, I would probably have smacked Jaybee. But our places weren't switched and I was still completely in love with her. So I couldn't help but be irritated by how he was acting everytime I defended her or spoke of my love for her. "Whatever Jolle...Let's just go do something." He muttered before running off ahead of me to head back to town. God knows where Jaybee was going to take me.

Ryon (Bryony) POV

I sat behind the counter, letting out a heavy sigh. How the f*** did this goddamn place stay in business? It seemed like no one ever came in here.

Just as I leaned back in the seat and rested my eyes, the bell above the doorway rang to signify that someone had entered the store. 'Of course. The minute I shut my eyes.' I thought to myself.

I immediately stopped complaining when I saw who had walked through the door. "How can I help you?" I squeaked, my extreme nervousness evident in every word. The one and only Johan Brolin chuckled at how nervous I was. Thank god I didn't wear my Her Bright Skies shirt today, that would have been awkward as hell. "My friend and I wanted to look at your bass guitars." He explained while flashing a brilliant smile my way. "Oh... They're hanging on the middle section of that wall over there." I explained as I pointed to the other side of the store, directing him to the part of the store where we kept the basses. "Awesome! Thanks!" He exclaimed before turning around, most likely in search of said friend. "What the f*** Joakim!" He exclaimed before turning back towards me once more, "Was he ever in the store?" I shook my head as if to say 'no' as everything he said sunk in. 'Holy motherf***ing shit! Jaybee and Jolle are here at my workplace! What the hell?! Oh my god I'm probably going to blush like hell when Jolle comes in. No, scratch that, I'm probably going to die of happiness. Oh god hopefully I don't giggle like a schoolgirl. What if he thinks I'm some annoying fangirl. Oh no. He can't think that. He also can't find out about my bigass crush on him. Oh why the f*** is this happening to me?! I'm not prepared for this shit!' I thought as I watched Jaybee leave to go find Jolle.

This was going to be interesting.


This is for Ryon c: hopefully you liked it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2013 ⏰

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