WHAT!?!?!? Wait, DOUBLE WHAT!?!?

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WHAT THE HELL!?!?!!? I MIGHT NOT BE ABLE TO LEAVE THE COUNTRY!?!?!?! THIS IS MADNESS!!!!! I started to shake like if there was an earthquake happening at the moment.


"Calm down Scarlett!! We are trying to fix the problem. It's what I said to you. Since you didn't sign your own passport, they say that there might be problems at immigration," my dad explained once again.

I still didn't understand!!! It's just like how my mom said. I was a little kid when they took my passport. Even now I can't sign my passport so it's a lower possibility to do when I was even younger. This is just bullshit!!!! These people should understand the situation and not try to make a 14 year old girl nervous about this.

I looked at my mom and saw her still talking to the old guy.

"My mom is working really hard to win this fight," I thought. "You better win this fight like how Killua won to Jones. Just don't rip his heart out."

I just stood there shaking and waiting to see if anything else happens. I felt so useless. I can't stand up for myself because this is America. Sometimes your voice doesn't get heard so it's better to just shut up and not speak at all. But still, I felt like this problems has to have a solution. Since I am not that solution, I am just gonna get out of this problem and leave it to the adults. So, I just took a couple steps back and waited.

5 minutes later~

I finally saw that my mom and the old geezer weren't talking any more. They started to weigh the luggage and put them through the little moving machine that takes the luggage to the plane. I decided to just stay where I was since I think nothing big was going on. Besides, if I went over there, I would be doing the same thing I am doing now. So I just decided to wait here until my parents leave to go to immigration. I am not much of a patient person so waiting until they left would drive me crazy.

Thankfully, that wait took only about 10 minutes. Not enough to drive me insane so I was in good shape.

I walked to where my parents were and I saw them picking up the luggage that we would take to the plane (you know, that little closet thing thats above your seat in the plane). Anyways, I helped my taking the camera and my dads bag (and I had my purse on too). We walked to the direction that immigration was and that wasn't too far.

"I have to go to the bathroom," my mom said.

"Okay then. Go to the bathroom and we will wait for you at those seats," my dad said while pointing at the seats that were nearby the bathroom.

"Alright then." My mom then left her purse with me, (so I was the bag/purse person) and went to the bathroom.

My dad and I went to take a seat and we just waited for my mom.

"Hey dad, did you guys fix anything about the passport problem?" I asked. I was really nervous about the problem so I just had to ask.

"Nope. Nothing much. We just have to wait and see what happens at immigration," my father said.

"Okay then....."

After my little convo with my dad, my mom came back from the bathroom. My dad and I stood up and re-equipped everything on us again. I gave my mom her purse because I just can't have two purses, the camera bag, and my dads bag on me.

We then went walking to immigration. It wasn't really that far. We just had to walk straight down the airport and take a left. After the short walk to immigration, we finally arrived there. I looked around and luckily, there wasn't nobody there. I started to shake again as we approached the lady at the desk which needed to look at our passports and let us pass to the x-Ray machines and all the security things.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2015 ⏰

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