Fred Weasley <Reader Requested>

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( requested by @hollybramley1996 )

*Holly's POV*

I ran down the corridor towards the library trying to lose the twins. I had the worst day ever and the last thing I needed was the ever famous Weasley twins on my tail also.

I ran through the doors, huffing and puffing. After being shooshed by the librarian, I ran into a far aisle and sat at the end.

"Holly! We know you're here!" The twins said in unison from the entry way.

I used my hood to cover my face and curled into a ball, my brown hair poking me in the eye.

"Darn it!" I whispered

"We found you." The twins said, jumping in me. I then found myself being tickled to death by the two.

"Guys... I'm... Not... In the... Mood." I laughed.

And in my confusion, I ended up kicking George in the arm.

"I've been hit! I've been hit!" He wailed. He flailed his arms, knocking Fred and a book on top of me.

"Ouch. George! Be more careful." I said, rubbing my head.

Fred laughed and kissed me head and I looked at him with confusion.

"I thought it would make it better." He said. I grinned and leaned in to kiss him on the lips.

"I think I'm better now." I said.


I need requests guys!

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