"Thank you! Oh my god you're the best!" I said as I pulled myself closer to him.

He chuckled and sat me on the counter. "Anything for you, sweetie. Come on, we have to leave in thirty minutes for school."

I smiled and grabbed his face, smashing his lips to mine. He kissed back and slipped his tongue through, exploring my mouth. He pulled me close to him and ran his hands over my back. When we pulled away for air he kissed my nose.

"Come on, eat." I nodded and jumped down and sat down at the table.

"I'm gonna call you Cookie from now on." I stated while I ate.

He sat down across from me and chuckled. "Why?"

"I don't know. It's cute and I don't have a cute nickname for you." I smiled as I took another bite of my breakfast. He shrugged and nodded his head.

"Then I'm gonna call you nugget."

I snapped my head up. "Why?"

"Because you're short and it's cute." I nodded in agreement.

Once we finished we started to school, Evie, Liam, Flynn and Allison at our heels. When we got there I saw my sister park her car and walk into the school. She had an evil grin on her face as she walked in. I looked at Evie and she shrugged.

We found Cooper and Jayden at our normal spot and hung out with them there as they gaped a my mark. Evie and Liam had marked each other but they did last night so it hadn't shown yet; but her tattoo was gorgeous. It was a crescent moon on top of a sun with white eyes, representing "sun and moon love". That's what her and Liam's mark will look like.

Cooper and Jayden walked with us when the bell rang, splitting off when it was necessary. Chase walked me to class and kissed me quickly before joining Flynn. I walked in with Cooper and waited until class started.


When I got to lunch, I sat my things down and brought Chase with me to see Ms. Wolfe. I took him the back way, she was closer over there. I knocked on the door with my free hand and I interlocked mine with his. He squeezed my hand and kissed my temple. Right as he did, the door swung open.

"I knew I smelt my bab- is this the mystery mate that I've been hearing so much about?" She gawked.

I threw my hand to my head as she walked over with open arms and gave Chase a heavy embrace. "He's even better looking in person!" She awed, pinching his cheeks.

"Momma!" (A/N: I forgot to say that they call her momma bc she's like their school mom) I exclaimed standing there.

"Whoops, sorry." She apologized. Looking back over at me her head cocked and her eyes narrowed.

"Oh my Jesus. Is that a mark?" She walked closer and hovered her hand over it. I nodded. "It's gorgeous." She looked over at his and he moved his hair out of the way slightly so she could see his larger one. "So you two are official huh?" We nodded. "Spare me the details but have you-" we cut her off, shaking our heads and frantically waving our hands.

"No, no, no. Not yet." Chase assured her.

"It'll happen soon, I can promise you that. Hun you're not ready for pups." She said more to me.

I nodded. "I know."

"Ms. Wolfe-" she cut him short.

"Call me Momma now. You're family."

He glanced at me and smiled. "Uh, okay. Momma, I've told her that I'm not ready for pups either because I'm turning 19 in a few months. We'll do it so we can complete the mating process but we will be protective and safe," he struggled saying the last sentence.

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