Writing tip: Voting

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"Just remember that you are unique. Just like everyone else!"

-Margart Mead-

So you need a tip? Good cause this is a good place to look!

1. Voting is one of the most important things to a book. If you want your book to be discovered and seen, you need votes.

2. Remember to remind the reader to vote. Many readers just forget to simply click the button.

3. Don't be discouraged if your new book doesn't have many votes. Just wait till after you write a few chapters.

4. If all things seem to fail, ask a friend to come and vote on it, she/he doesn't even have to read it!

5. Some writers don't care how popular the book gets, so if you are one, you can just do what you want to do!

6. Not a writing tip, but try and make a habit of voting after reading someone's book. They'll thank you for it!

Thanks for reading, Don't forget to vote!

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