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October 10, 1983.

It was a chilly night but I moved closer to Tom as we watched the Exorcist. I took a look at the clock above the television that read 9:57 pm.

"Shit." I got up and reached for the famed checkered slip-on vans that were seen on the film Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Those shoes were expensive but so worth it.

"Leaving already? The movie is barely half way there."

I looked at him as I put on my shoes, "I have an essay due tomorrow and I am not done yet. Sorry!" I got up and walked to grab the baja hoodie I had came with.

"Let me take you then." I pulled the sweater over my head,

"Nah dude, it's fine I'll just go walking." I mean we did live only three blocks away.

He snickered, "Hell no! Are you crazy? It's too late! And isn't that my sweater? And are you trying to look like that one guy from Fast Times at Ridgemont High now?"

I smiled, "Fine ok. I thought you gave it to me? And it's called a Baja. And you just barely noticed that I had it? And no! Shut up! Any more questions?"

I adjusted my hair watching him smile, "when are you coming back?"

I shrugged as I grab my school bag, "on my next day off? I work tomorrow and you do too."

He stood up and turned off the tv, "fuck that job, mines and yours."

I shook my head, "hey without that job of yours Slayer would not be a thing and besides I got promoted to manager." I looked away when I told him the news.

"Oh what?!" He reacted rather cheerfully. I looked at him and shrugged nonchalantly,

"I haven't really accepted the offer because of school and all and besides I wanna quit that shit job. Three years and a half has been too long!"

He walked to grab his leather jacket, "you've been working in Burger King for three years and barely you're getting promoted? Fuck."

I shrugged once again as I walked to the door, "They've offered me the position but I just turn it down and this time I told them that I'll think about it. But fuck that! I'm quitting!" I opened the door as he grabbed the car keys, walking outside he locked his house.

"At what time are you off tomorrow?" He asked as we walked to his vehicle.

"I go in at 4 and come out at midnight." I got inside his car after he unlocked it. He did the same.

"I'll pick you up then." He demanded. As I put my seatbelt on. I looked at him,

"you sure?" He turned the car on and put in what looked like a Black Sabbath cassette in.

" Yeah, I'm sure." He put his seatbelt on and began to drive as soon as he turned the headlights on. I looked at him and smiled, looking out the window after as Black Sabbath began to play in the background.

So this is how the story goes. My name is Alondra Fernandez. I am from Los Angeles but moved to Huntington Park with my sister for her career advancement. I began to work at Burger King as a senior in high school to help out my sister with bills. Now I am currently a sophomore in East Los Angeles community college. That was where I met Tom. He was taking a small course when I was a freshman. We noticed each other because we would have our first class next to each other and every day we would get there at the same time. When we past the halls we would always see each other until one day which I find it very funny, we both bumped into our local record store. Even though he did wear band t-shirts I wouldn't really say anything to him because I didn't have to courage to compliment them. So we "finally" noticed that we have the same taste in music. "I wouldn't have thought that you like Iron Maiden." He smiled. "Well you thought wrong." I smiled back, "I'm Tom." I reached my hand to meet his in an awkward confusing handshake, "I'm Alondra." We both smiled and that's the creation of our friendship. Now a year later we are very close. He is in a band called Slayer and I am very supportive of him! I haven't really been in a gig because I haven't had the time but I've heard their demos and I'm happy to say that they are going to places. I just know it.

"Is your sister home?" He asked. I shrugged, "maybe if she's not with her boyfriend."

I unbuckled and opened the door turning to look at him, "thanks Tom and I'll see you tomorrow then."

He nodded, "and my beso?" He joked.

I laughed, "Te daré el beso cuando aprendas hablar bien español." His Spanish was horrible! I was 100% sure that he asked his mom how to say that word. I got out and closed the door, "drive safe ok? Buenas noches Tomas!"

He just simply smiled and I waved him goodbye before walking inside my house.

I hated when he did stuff like that because I didn't want to catch feelings for my friend. It would be weird! How would our friends feel? What if he is just playing around and doesn't actually feel that way? I just shook my head and brushed the thoughts out of my head. Besides I had an essay to bullshit.

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