I'll wait

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(So this is my first story to ever been written! So if I mess something up or make it sound cheesy FORGIVE ME! I also want to thank my little sister for giving me the courage to write this! If you like this story and want me to write something else just let me know! :3 So I hope you enjoy~~

(Your pov)
"Ha ha!" The kids all laughed. "You and your stupid fairy don't belong here! Get lost!" I never know what to do in these situations, so I just let them hurt me and call me names. I'm always bullied. They alway say that me and and that other kid is so weird and different from them. I try to be normal, but they just..... Ignore my efforts. I run home and climb but the ladder to my house. It wasn't huge, but it wasn't tiny either. It was just right. Only me and my tiny fairy, Sun live there. I hardly ever come out of my house. Which is sad I know. But there is one thing that keeps me from being depressed... Thinking of that boy, Link. My heart just flutters at his name. I've only talked to him once but other than that... We never talk. I've always wanted to have the courage to talk to him I just... Haven't. But today I finally worked up enough courage to talk to him. After cleaning my house and eating lunch I run outside and climb down the ladder. I look every where but I just couldn't find him... Just as I was starting to lose hope I hear a faint sound of a beautiful melody and I knew immediately it was him. His music carried threw the wind perfectly. I walk into lost woods and listen to see where it was coming from but it stopped...

"I swear I heard it... Where did it go?"

I look around and see no one was there.

"I might have just missed him..."

I hear the crunching of leaves but just ignored it. Right around the time I was about to go home a hear a sweet, calming voice behind me.

"Hey (Y/N). What are you doing here?"

I look behind me to see Link standing there with his cute smile of his.

"Oh hey! I was looking... For you actually."

"Well what do you need?"

I started to blush and tried to hide it but it wasn't working...

"(Y/N), you okay?"

I finally got enough courage to just say it!

"Well, I r-really l-like you..."

He stood there in shock and then he smiles unexpectedly!

"I was going to tell you the same thing! I'm glad you told me!"

He comes up to me and just hugs me, tightly too! I hug back. After awhile of hugging we break the hug.

"Do you want to come to my place?!"

I jump up and down waiting for a reply.

"Sure! Let's go!"

He grabs my hand and practically pulls me out of the woods. We get to my house and he ends up spending the night. After that me and Link became best friends! We never keep secrets from each other and all the kids in kokiri forest look so jealous! We hung out for months and every time we would tell each other we was cute we would blush like mad! So one morning me and Link was hanging out, when the fairy flys up to Me and Link.

"Hello Link! I'm navi! I'll be your fairy from now on! Oh and the deku tree needs to speak with you!"

Me and link exchange looks and he just shrugged.

"I'll be back in a little while, (Y/N)! Wait for me okay?"

I wait for what seems like forever! Then he finally comes back with a hurt look on his face. I run up to him and and calmly hug him.

"What's wrong? Tell me."

He hugs back and tells me everything! Like how he's supposed to save Hyrule and that the great deku tree died. Telling me all this made my heart break because he had to leave to forest which means I would never get to see him! I start to cry and he pulls me into a hug.

"It's okay..."

He plays with my hair and tells me he's getting ready to leave. I walk him to the entrance of the woods.

"I'm gonna miss you Link! Be careful out there..."

"(Y/N), I love you and always will. So please... just wait for me."

He kisses my cheek and I blush a slight shade of pink.

"I love you too."

He walks away and I'm left all alone crying into my hands. I wipe my tears away and look into the sky and smile.

"I will wait for you.. Even if it takes forever! I will wait for you... Link."

(Ohhhhh! I did it! I did it! *gives self a pat on the back* I hope you liked the story! If you don't like it.... I know where you live. Nah I'm not that creepy! I'll be writing more stories later! So yea! \(^.^)/ hope you enjoyed! Stay fluffy my little bunnies!

I'll wait (link x reader) One shot~~Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat