The Thief's Revenge - Ch 1

Start from the beginning

"Don't!" I cried out. "Please don't leave her with the monsters!"

The man looked over at me, his eyes full of anger and a spark of triumph. "Take the Hunter witch-child out to the infirmary. Keep her there til a suitable home is found. Make sure she knows to keep silent about all this. Hunter was an idiot going in alone but I'll still make sure her kid's taken care of." The last part was said sarcastically, meanly.

I ran up to the man and kicked his shin. Almost immediately, another man picked me up from behind. The mean man hadn't even flinched but now his black eyes were angry. He looked like he might hit me.

"Get her out of here," he hissed. I fought hard against the man holding me but he tucked me under his arm and walked me out. I stilled, breathing hard.

"I'll kill him if she dies," I whispered to myself, "I'll kill him."


Chapter One 


Eleven Years Later: 

Location: Cornwall, England. 

Kayli Hunter, aged 17.

I ran swiftly through the dark, not needing to physically see my surroundings. I had been here twice before and memorised the place. And my heightened 'mutated' senses allowed me to discern where any obstacles were. The pounding of several boots sounded behind me but I felt no fear. They wouldn't catch me. They were too slow. Over the noise of my pursuers was the constant ringing of the security alarm. It was my only annoyance as it stopped me from hearing anything on my radio-wire. Several times I had heard someone trying to shout something to me through it but, even though it was attached to my ear, I couldn't understand the words.

I heard a thump behind me and come loud swearing. I grinned, thinking of the table I had avoided a while back. They hadn't seen it coming, literally.

"Kid, you've got to stop. This is a very serious offence, stealing from the Unique Jewellery Antiquity. When you're caught trying to sell them diamonds and stuff you're gonna be in major trouble."

I rolled my eyes. Like I was going to get caught. I had successfully robbed so many different places, with the help of my non-replaceable pair of experts. Morgan, technical wonder, who could break any security code in under a minute, even the latest on the market. I often wondered if she was a computer herself with never-ending updates. And with her was Fletcher who could disguise himself absolutely as a totally different persona. He did the research, getting info on our Victs (Victims) and scoping out the area. And, of course, there was Ernst, Morgan's dad, who insisted on picking us up after every Hit. We liked to call him GetEway.

I felt a tingling run up my spine and I threw my palm out behind me, thrusting a small shield to protect my body. I heard the sound of a bullet hitting metal and then clattering to the ground. The guard had resorted to shooting me? These jewels must be worth a helluva lot more than we thought. Not that we were keeping the money. Only a small amount to keep us kicking. The rest would be sent away to charities and people who needed it more than the snooty millionaires who bought this bling to hang around their necks.

I somersaulted out of the open window, the opposite side to the exit and ran to the rendezvous point where the car should be waiting to get me outta here. It wasn't there. I looked around in distress. Where were they? I was itching to get out of here so that these rocks could be looked at by Morgan who would be able to estimate their worth.

~Kayli where are you? We're waiting at the front entrance. You should be out of there by now. We intercepted a call to the police. They're only a block away.~ I heard Fletcher's panicked voice through my wire.

I sprinted in the direction of the front, cursing my team under my breath. Why had they moved? They must have told me while the alarms were going off.

I switched to a tip-toe as I saw two darkly dressed men treading around the building. Who were they? I asked myself silently. They weren't on any of our surveillance tapes. I had the urge to send my magick out and see if I could infiltrate their minds but stopped myself. I had no time.

I saw the silver, nondescript, commodore sitting on the road outside the gates. Why were they sitting out there? I pressed a button on my belt and straight away the engine started in the car. They had gotten my signal and were ready for my arrival. I sped out the gates, whispering a spell of invisibility as I went and hoping that no one looked too hard in my direction. I wasn't powerful enough to make myself disappear but eyes would pass over me without looking twice.

I opened the back seat door and slid inside. The car was already moving away.

"Got it?" said Fletch, sitting on the seat next to me. Despite his panicked words earlier he was now calm, looking completely carefree. His midnight blue eyes were coolly studying me, not-so-subtly looking for any injuries.

I looked at him and smiled, the adrenaline rush making me giddy. 

"Of course."

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