Chapter 1

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Sophie's POV
Ughhhh my hair is so not working with me today. Dyed hair is so unmanageable for me but I love it. Its a really cute purple,blue ombre and i have piercing blue eyes. After I finally manage my hair and put on a random outfit I put on my badass leather jacket. That covers my tattoo and no before you think about it its not a corny tattoo. It says ' Throw me to the wolves and I'll return leading the pack' which is awesome considering I'm a werewolf. Oh yeah did I mention I'm a werewolf.

My wolfs name is amber
"How did you forget about me IM IN YOUR HEAD" Amber yelled at me causing a migraine. "Did you really have to do that amber?" I asked my wolf. "Well duh I did so you can't forget about me." Amber is so weird. "Hey that's mean" amber whined. I go outside and get on my bike and no not bicycle , bike meaning motorcycle he's my baby.

He yeah that's right its a he, he has all black with my name in red. I ride to Cedar High School aka my living hell. Everybody stares at my bike and I get wolf whistles from the guys (haha no pun intended).

I'm really getting tired of all the staring its really uncomfortable. So I yell," Hello staring peoples your queen is here!" That makes stop staring thank the moon goddess finally. I have math first urghhhh I hate math with a burning passion. Maybe I should I can't my dad would be pissed. So I literally trudge into math and sit in the back I love the back row its so comfortable.

After class I attack (Not literally) my best friend in a ginourmas hug. "Charlie I missed you so much" I said to my best friend " Yeah I know I have that effect on people" she (Charlie) said with a duh attitude.

Song of the Chapter : Shots by imagine dragons

I'll give a dedication to whoever can guess my first name! Good luck
Love you all ,-A

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