chapter 4

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About 4 months later Amanda moved in with Liv and today Amanda was planning on propsing to Liv. She had made reservations at a restaurant and got flowers and everything for Liv. When 6 came around Liv told everyone to go home. Amanda wanted it to be a surprise, so she drove to the resturant. "Baby?" Liv asked "yea?"
"Why are we here?"
"Because I want to have dinner with my beautiful girlfriend" Liv smiled and they walked in. The waitress took their drink orders and came back for the food orders. They talked and laughed, Amanda leaned over the table and kissed Liv "I love you!"
Liv smiled "I love you!" The food came and they talked...

"So Liv tell me about yourself"
"Well I have been in new York all my life, I've been at special victims unit for 16, almost 17 years now...and I'm the product of a rape" Amanda shot up..."really?"
Liv shook her head yes "me too!" Amanda said and held Livs hand.
The waitress came..." any dessert?"
Amanda shook her head yes and the waitress came back with Livs favorite red velvet and cream cheese frosting. It had I love you on it in chocolate and the ring was on a fork. Amanda got down on one knee. Liv teared up

"Olivia Serena Benson, when I first saw you on my first day my heart was in knots looking and thinking about you. Your the most beautiful, amazing, smart, wonderful, talented, brave woman I've ever met...I want to spend the rest of my life with you and I was wondering...will you do me the honor and make the happiest woman alive and marry me?"
Liv cried "yes!" She shrieked and kissed Amanda. Everyone cheered and clapped. They ate the cake and Amanda paid the bill. When they got outside Liv pushed Amanda up against the wall and shoved her tongue in her mouth and held onto Amanda's shoulders. Amanda moved and held onto Livs hips, Amanda pulled away "wanna finish this at home?"
"Mhm!" Liv said and pulled her to the car, they drove home and after about 20 minutes they walked through the door...Liv carried Amanda to the bedroom and kissed down her body and rubbed her through her panties. "You like that?" Amanda gasped and kissed her "yes! Baby, I love it!"
Liv smirked and rubbed faster giving Amanda trembling orgasms over and over...later that night they talked until about 2 and then they passed out.

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