Chapter Two: Someone Familiar

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That night as I lay in bed after putting Skylynn in the guest bedroom she practically lives in, i turned my tv on and layed in bed. I noticed out of the corner of my eye that my phone had lit up, signaling I had a notification. Who would be wanting to talk at this hour?

I grabbed my phone and looked at it. I had a snapchat from some person that was from the next town over. I've talked to this person once or twice, but I had no idea who it was. When I opened the snapchat it read:
I think I saw you at the carnival.
It would have been weird, but I noticed what the guy was wearing. He was wearing a red shirt With a red hat. Oh my God.

I replied back, You did?

After a few minutes he replied:
Yeah. You were that cute girl behind me in line.

I smiled at his words and said: I can't believe I've actually talked to you before lol

Him: Well, I had a feeling I knew who you were ha

I felt like an idiot when I realized I had no idea what his name was. Am I really going to have to ask Him that? Oh, joy.

Me: So, what's your name by the way?

Him: Asher Long lol

Me: Nice name(;

How had I talked to such a hot guy before and not known? How much of an idiot am I? I really surprise myself.

We had a little bit longer conversation, before he stopped answering. Must be busy, I thought.

Asher's P.O.V.

Right after I read her message and was about to answer, Brittney came barging in. Ugh. Why me, God?

"Hey, baby! I noticed you didn't answer yesterday, what happened? Is something wrong?" she said as she tried to sway her hips while walking towards me.

"Umm. Well, actually there is. I'm tired of us, and you just wanting me for a reputation at school and always trying to have sex with me. I mean the sex is a great thing, but I can't stand you. Now if you could be so kind, leave," I said slowly, not looking her in the eye. I knew the moment I looked into her dark brown eyes it would be over. I would be wanting her back.
She and I go way back. I had been in love with her since the 7th grade. We had always been by each other's sides, but when we hit high school she morphed into one of those mean girls. I couldn't stand it.

"Ash... You don't mean that?" she said in a quieter voice.

"I do. You're not you," I practically whispered.

"Is there some other slut you're Fucking? Is that it? I'm not good enough for you?" she all but screamed, catching me off guard.

"What? No? Just please leave, I don't want to argue. "

"I'll find out who she is, Long, and when I do, you'll both be sorry," Brittney walked out and slammed the door.

Well shit.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2015 ⏰

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