Pit of Darkness

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Walking, with the wind against my back.

The clouds, dark as night flow above me.

Storm is coming..whispering through the trees, the voice.

Lightning lit up my eyes.

"Just keep walking." The voice says.

Proceeding forward, my environment barely phasing me.

I couldn't stop myself...my body..entranced.

"Closer and closer, it's almost here." Whispered the voice.

The wind bringing forth tears, whipping my face.

"Keep walking...almost there.." Hissed the voice.

Rain is falling, cutting my flesh.

Blood seeping from my wounds, mixing with the rain.

"Faster!" Hissed the voice.

Walking a little faster..

Coming to a clearing, the sound of crashing waves in my ears.

A cliff, overlooking a sea...a sea of darkness.

"Pit of Darkness..." The voice whispered.

Standing there, at the edge, storm raging, waves crashing.

"Let go...let go of everything..everyone." Hissed the voice once more.

The rocks were crumbling...the time is near.

Giving away, I fall...the wind whistling in my ears.

"NO!!" A voice cried out in pain.

Looking up, I see his handsome face.

Tears of blood streamed down his cheeks.

His hand reaching out over the cliff edge.

"Goodbye my love." I whispered.

He cried out again, I pludged deeply into the pit of darkness.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2013 ⏰

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