CHAPTER 4: Breakaway

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It was done. His last thing. The back of his hand against her cheek was so soft, so comforting. He just rested there. He had upset her, he knew, and that hadn't been his intention. But, he needed her to know what she had meant to him life. He needed her to believe it. She knew it wasn't just his hands that were soft, though. That he was sensitive, vulnerable even, especially with her, was something she had learned in flashes on the day she agreed to be his lover. Red could be hurt, and he had been - often and by many, including her. She had spent a year trying to make up for that.

During that time they were together, they had developed a camaraderie, a seamless working relationship and a dependence on one another that for her, at least, had gone unmatched. She had loved him - in an undefined, all-encompassing way. At first, she had welcomed his company, his stories, his strength, his intelligence, his sharp wit, his skill, his resourcefulness, but as time went on, she craved it - all of it. So, when the year came to an end, and the world was a safer place for her to exist, she resisted his initial attempts to move her out into it. She didn't want to leave him, and the truth of that had shocked them both.

Red had asked her then to think, to really think, about the life she'd always wanted, the life she had envisioned for herself as a little girl, as a young woman. And, then he told her to go live it. In her heart, she knew it was good advice; she knew he was giving her a second chance, and to waste it would somehow diminish all of his hard work. So, after a month of painful internal conflict, she accepted his urge to start a new life. A life that she didn't imagine as to be without him in it. Then Liz recalled the night where it all had ended...


Lizzie looked down at her watch, a smile formed on her lips when she read the time. She was early. She was actually early to work and she hoped Cooper was there to be impressed. She had a mask on today. Not a real mask obviously, but an invisible one. Everything was blocked out and she was going to focus on work and only her work. After telling Red yesterday that she had told Ressler her feelings, he wanted to talk more. But she didn't. She didn't go into detail, leaving the car with a brief thanks to Dembe, for dropping her off. She couldn't deal with him anymore. She would work with him. She wouldn't be with him. She couldn't be with him. Ressler wasn't going to tell Cooper, but his reaction was far from impressed and he clearly thought she was crazy. Beyond crazy and maybe he was right. She was crazy. Who falls for the Concierge of crime? It was ridiculous and bound to end in tears, which it did. He surprised her though, Ressler that is, when he gave her a hug and told her everything would be alright. It was probably because she was an absolute mess and he felt he had to, but it was a nice gesture.

It didn't change anything though, she wishes she didn't tell him. That he didn't hear her crying and yelling through her phone, that she didn't say those words. She had finally gained his trust as a partner and now that was jeopardized.

Red stared at Ressler, a look of boredom sketched on his face. He had arrived early because he had important information about the next criminal on his list. Instead of being greeted by Lizzie, Donald had been the only one there. As soon as Dembe left to fill the car with gas, Ressler pounced.

Ressler glared at him and moved a step closer to him when Red stood to leave. "You stay the hell away from her."

"I work with Agent Keen, Donald. That's impossible."

"Manipulating her to fall in love with you? Who the hell do you think you are? She's works for the FBI for christ sake."

Red hardened his gaze. "I did not manipulate, Lizzie."

"I don't see how else you could have gotten her into bed. A little fun for you huh. Was that what it was? Your sick obsession with her?"

"I suggest you stop with the false accusations."

Heartbreak WarfareOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora