At the club

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Zarah's p.o.v
When we get to the bar, me and Harry go sit down by the bar. What do you want babe? He asked smiling at me and I said, can I have a margarita please haz. Sure Hun, he said before calling over a bartender, after me and Harry finished our drinks, we decided to go dance. A few songs came on and me and Harry were bumping and grinding. After a while of dancing, I saw Kate. I told haz I'd be right back and he went and sat at he bar and drank while I went over to her. Heyyyyyy, she said stumbling around a little bit. Kate... Your drunk, really drunk. I said as I grabbed her waist to steady her. I'm not drunkk. She said as she slurred on her words. Whatever, where's Niall. I asked and she pointed in a random direction. He went over there. She said hiccuping. After about 5 minutes of struggling to drag her over to Niall, I finally get her over there. Her Niall. I found her on the dance floor. I said and I handed her to him. He didn't even manage to get any words out before she aggressively kissed him. I just walked off awkwardly. On my way to where I last saw Harry, I saw him dancing on the dance floor. I few chicks were surrounding him. I charged over there and ran to him through the sea of trashy whores that were grinding on him. I quickly pulled his head down and kissed him. After a minute, I pulled away. Some girls were giving me nasty looks, and others were stumbling around on the floor like idiots. For the rest of th eight me and Harry danced together. Wanna go home babe he asked and I agreed. We ran through the rain to his car and laughed. When we got to his house we got out and he gave me a piggy back ride to his door. Netflix? He asked as we headed to the living room. Omg yes. I said crawling under the blankets on his couch with him. After 7 movies, we both fell asleep.

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