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I went to check what that mysterious noise was coming from, I walked down the steps carefully still in my night gown. I sneaked into the kitchen unseen and saw a guy with charming brown hair and was wearing a plaid hoodie. It looks like he was making a sandwich.

"Um. Hello sir, your kind of in the fridge" I said looking at him sternly

He looked up at me.

"Oh hey you must be Ian's sister." He said setting down the Mayonnaise ,cheese, and lettuce on the counter.

"You know, I have a name.." I said getting sick of him already.

"Well then, we got a fiesty one right here" he said "what's your name then Blondie." He asked looking at me with Green mixed with blue eyes.

"My name is Ellie, Ellie Goulding" I said giving him a dirty look.

"My name is Aidan, Aidan Mills" he said putting together the sandwich.

"What are you doing in my kitchen Aidan?" I asked with hands on my hips

"Woah calm down, Kitten, I'm just making Ian and I a sandwich" he said grabbing A couple of Dr.Peppers out of the raided fridge.

"Well can you at least clean up your mess..its the least you can do." I said

"I'll try Kitten if it makes you any happier" he said grabbing 2 bags of chips from the cupboards. "Just let me give your brother his food and I will clean this mess. PRONTO!" He said pumped about cleaning the kitchen. How can he stay so happy. I would hate my life if I was a guest, and had to clean up this mess. I shrugged and started walking up the stairs. I tripped on my night gown and I started feeling butterflies in my stomach,like I'm falling. I shut my eyes, expecting to hit the ground and probably die. I felt 2 pairs of arms around me,protecting me. I opened my eyes and saw that I wasn't falling any more. I turned around and saw Aidan out of breathe and looking down at me.

"Careful Kitten, you should watch your step.You almost hurt yourself." He said sounding concern. But I bet you I know exactly how he is. He acts all sweet but then he turns into a player in the end. I pushed his arms away from me but they didn't budge.

"Ok, I'm fine now, I don't need help, I promise." I said, hoping he would never let me go.

"Oh, right Ellie." He said letting go of my waist.

I went upstairs careful not to trip again, cause' believe me it was pretty embarrassing to have some pretty boy catch me, especially him. I went into my room and closed the door. I picked up my phone and noticed my friend blew up my phone.

Kaylee: Hey girl answer the text..

Kaylee: come on..I don't got forever..

Kaylee: omg hurry up boo...

Kaylee: answer this text..

Kaylee: I'm going to keep texting till you answer Ellie just saying

Kaylee: I know your there stop teasing me.

Kaylee: wtf Ellie.

Kaylee: *facepalm*

Kaylee: I'm going to shoot myself if you don't answer..

Kaylee: 3..

Kaylee: 2..

Kaylee: 1..

Kaylee: I'm kidding but I'm serious about you answering the phone.. Come on girl!

Ellie: Hey, what in good god do you want

Kaylee: finally, so there's a new kid in school. A kid named Aidan and he's a total dream.

Ellie: umm..I think he's in my house

Kaylee: what are you serious?

Ellie: I wish he wasn't..

I lied.. I do like Aidan around. The smell of his cologne makes me shutter. His eyes make me want to kiss him. What am I saying. I don't want that player/loser.

Kaylee: tired of him already, I see

Ellie: definently

I heard a knock at the door.

Ellie: I got to go

I put down my phone and yelled at the door

"Come in"

I saw him standing at the frame of my door.

"What do you want Aidan.." I asked

He came to me with a sandwich, a soda, donuts, and popcorn.

"Woah... So much food..." I drooled just looking at those delicious donuts and that sandwich is made to perfection MUAH!..

"I thought that we could hangout since your brother is too busy talking to his girlfriend then to hangout with me." He said

"NETFLIX NIGHT" I yelled to the ceiling

"Woah kitten. Calm down.. What movie are we going to watch"he asked putting an arm around me. I swatted it away.

"First rule of my room: no touching Ellie second Rule: no talking during the movie. We are going to watch Neighbors starring Zac Efron."

"Sounds like a great movie" he said

"It is, just sit back, relax and watch the movie" I said putting on the neighbors.

He got really close to me...

"Space! Your in my bubble!" I screamed.

"Ok, ok" he said scooting a little to the left.

We watched the neighbors and he liked the fact that it had mature content in it. Of course. You know he's not that bad. I'll make him my best friend.. Nothing more..

"Great movie, kitten.." He said "it's getting pretty late I think I'm going to head home before my mum gets mad at me" he flashed a wide smile at me.

"Bye Aidan" I said waving to him.

He left my room and I can still hear distinctive footsteps going down stairs and I heard the front door shut.

"Well it was a fun day today hanging out with a friend. Now I can relax and sleep."

If I can...

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