Rule Breaker

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Apparently, that boy was named Thomas. It was really strange. The day he came up, he remembered nothing. Not even his name, which was normal. But, the thing that was completely strange happened the following night. There was a celebration, for what I don't know. But Thomas was present for this event. He got into a fight with The cruel kid, Gally. He took many hurtful blows to the face, as blood trickled down his chin. The sight was terrible. But then, Thomas quickly got up and kicked Gally in the the ribs. He fell, and landed with a loud thud on the dirt below. He cursed under his breath as pain filled his back. Thomas felt good... For the time being, because he had knocked him down. But then, out of no where, Thomas fell to the ground. His head landed hard on the dirt, his ears rang at incredible volumes. His head ached. With a sly smile, Gally got up form the ground. For he had kicked him in the legs, causing him to fall. The fall had jumbled his mind. He had remembered his name.
"Thomas," he shouted as he walked away. He did not even give Gally a second look when he said his name again. He received his name a day early.


The Glade continued to thrive as normal. Everyone did their jobs. Emery and I  continued to work in the garden. Tobias still worked as a Med-Jack. But, suddenly, something had happened.

Every Glader around came storming up to the maze doors, when they heard the thundering boom of the doors began to close. The Runners were not back yet. The doors continued their slow path, to close. Gladers-especially Chuck- were worried. Everyone, including myself, thought that they would not come back, but then, their were two shadows approaching the door. It was a Glader- Minho. He was carrying a body among his shoulders. He was struggling to bring the guy through the twisting corners. It was Alby, the Leader. They kept getting closer, as the doors were almost closed. Everyone knew for certain that they were gone now. Just then, Thomas ran out past the doors. The shouts of the Gladers from the side yelled as they grasped the back of his shirt, trying to yank him back. But, it was too late. He got past the walls, just in time before they slammed shut. He was trapped, in the Maze. Everyone walked away, knowing they were all dead. No one ever survived a night in the maze. Not only was Thomas dead, but he also betrayed the rules of the Glade. He was probably lucky he would not make it back, for the punishment would be severe. Everyone walked away, and continued to do their assigned jobs. I pushed the thoughts of them all dead out of my head, I had crops to pull. No one looked angrier than Newt. Who was co- leader. He limped away, and yelled with frustration at the sky. Minho was his best friend, and now, he was gone. In the maze, forever.

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