Chapter Five

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Ever since Saturday Annie hasn't said a word to me.

On Monday night I was walking to her hideout and I saw her leaving with Reiner and Berthold.

I hide behind a building close enough so I could hear them.

"How are things with you and Armin?" Berthold asked.

"Not good.We haven't talked in a few days" Annie replied.

"Shuddup about Armin.He is just hanging with Ann to repay the debt of her not killing 'im" Reiner said.

"You don't know that!" Annie yelled.

"Shh.I hear something" Berthold said.

Berthold started walking over to the building I was hiding behind.

I ran to the building next door.

Berthold looked around and sighed.

"It's okay, come on out!" Berthold yelled.

Annie and Reiner ran over to where Berthold was.

"Who's there!" Annie yelled.

"Come out already!" Reiner yelled.

"Shit.Let's go look around" Annie said.

They started to walk around looking for me.

I was glued to my spot.I heard someone walking towards me.

I used all of my strength and courage and ran.

"Hey! Get back here!" Reiner yelled.

"Is that Armin?" Berthold said.

I couldn't hear anything after that because I was too far away.

I finally got back to my dorm.

Eren was standing outside of his dorm.

"Hey, Eren" I said.

"Armin" Eren said.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Nothing.What are you doing so late?" Eren asked.

"I just went for a walk" I said.

"Oh, ok" Eren said.

"Well, Good Night" I said.

"Night, Armin" Eren said.

I walked into my dorm and turned the light on.

There was a note on my bed.I walked over to my bed.

I picked up the not and read it.It said:

Dear Armin,

Sorry for not talking to you during school.Eren threatened me.

Don't make a big deal about it.Please Armin.I know you will.

I'll talk to you tomorrow.Meet me by The Diner.

I'll sit next to you during class.If you want.


Annie Leonhardt

Should I bring it up. If Annie doesn't want me to I won't.

I put the note on my desk and sat down. I sighed and sat down.

I started writing my Essay for Proffesor Erwin's class.

It took me an hour to finish.

After I was done I turned all of the lights off and climbed into bed.

I quickly fell asleep.


Reiner, Bert, and I had no luck finding the listener.

It must've been Armin.

I saw his blonde hair when he was running from us.

I have to go talk to him.

I was all alone in my hide away.It was almost 10:00 at night.

I left my hide away and made my way towards Armin's dorm.

I got onto campus and saw the lights in the main building on.

I ran to the dorms and found Armin's.

I knocked on the door.I tried to open it and it opened.

All of the lights were off and Armin was sleeping in his bed.

I turned all of the lights on and closed the door behind me.

Armin sat up and jumped out of bed.

He was wearing a white tee-shirt and sweatpants.

"Annie! What are you doing here?" He asked.

"You were the one eavesdropping on me and the guys weren't you?" I said.

"What? No" Armin said.

"Liar" I replied.

"So what if I am?" He asked.

"Why?" I asked.

"I wanted to speak to you. But I got your note and that explained everything" Armin said.

"Oh" I said.

"Do you want to stay here for the night?" Armin asked.

"What!?!?!" I asked.My face started to burn and I knew that I was blushing.

"You can sleep on the couch or I'll sleep on the couch and you can have the bed.I just feel bad knowing you don't have a heated place" Armin said.

"" I said.

"Bed or Couch" Armin asked.

"Whatever you don't want" I replied.

"Couch it is then! I'll get you a blanket" Armin said.

He opened up his closet and got me a flece blanket and a quilt.

He handed them to me.

"T-Thanks" I said.

He threw one of his spare pillows onto the couch.

"No problem" Armin said.

"Well, night Armin" I said.

I climbed onto the couch and pulled my blankets over me.

Armin turned the lights off and climbed into bed.

I quickly fell asleep but I know I heard Armin mutter my name in his sleep.

The Students of Titan High (Book 1, Armin x Annie)Where stories live. Discover now