Chapter 2

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The waves whipped against me as I dove under an oncoming wave. My arms sliced through the water as I swam towards the young boy. He was still yelling for help when I finally got to him. "Shh shh everythings going to be okay. Whats your name?" I asked calmly trying to keep him calm. "William" he replied, breathing heavily. I wrapped one arm around him and in desperation he wrapped his around my neck, "No no, don't hold me there. ..Here" I said grabbing him around the waist "start paddling". He nodded his head and we started riding the rip up north for a little bit until it weakened and we started heading into shore.

Quite a crowd had gathered and I could see a bunch of lifeguards running down from the tower. One was holding a rescue board ( a little too late for that don't ya think?), another one was holding an oxygen mask and I couldn't make out what the others were holding or if they were holding anything because I couldn't quite tell due to the salt water that was stinging my eyes making them slightly blurry.

I could feel the boys small body shaking and his heart thumping against his chest as was mine.

I was absolutely drained and exhausted when my feet finally hit the bottom. I hauled William up so he was sitting on my side as he wrapped his arms around me.

People started clapping as I made my way closer the beach but I didn't take any notice. I knew that even though he was out of the water. He wasn't out of danger. My legs buckled from underneath me as I sat the boy on the sand. The lifeguards surrounded him, who I am guessing was his mother was crying and kneeling down next to him and I could hear the distant siren of an ambulance making its way to the Bondi.

Still on the sand I pulled myself back away from the crowd to get some air. I was shaking all over and my heart was still thumping against my chest as I tried to take some deep breaths. Everything around me was starting to spin and I suddenly felt nauseous.

"Hey, that was great what you did" said a voice next to me

I looked up, the sun was shining on his face and my head was still spinning.

I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out.

"Hey...hey you okay?" He asked concerned, kneeling next to me

Again, I didn't reply but instead let darkness take over as the rest of my body feel backwards onto the sand.


I lifted my hand to block the bright sunlight that was streaming through the window above me. My eyelids were heavy as I forced them open a little more.

Suddenly someone's head popped into sight. "Hey whip! She's awake!" He yelled, disappearing

I furrowed my eye brows, my head pounded as I did so.

Suddenly another person appeared next to me. "Hey" he said soothingly, I swear I had heard his voice before..."How are you feeling?" He asked. Now I remember, he was the guy from the beach.. the guy who asked me if I was okay before i...i passed out...

I jolted up. I looked at the guy who now had a concerned look on his face. It was all coming back to me now. I had ran into the water to save the boy who was going under out the back in a rip and I had brought him back in but I must have swallowed a lot of water and collapsed...

Rescue Me - Bondi Rescue FanficWhere stories live. Discover now