New everything. ..

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I am Hope Smith and I am 18  years old, unfortunately I lost my parents this year in a car accident, I was sitting in the back seat and witnessed everything everything had happened so fast, my parents were smiling adn singing along the song playing on the radio I smiled at their childishness, I joined them at some point singing along with them cheerfully by the time my dad saw the truck it was already too late, he tried to swirl the around but we had already been hit, the driver was too drink to notice the accidents had induced the last thing I saw before everything went black was my mom reaching out to me, her head bleeding but I could hear her sweet clam voice telling me she loves me smiling,I woke up in the hospital with a cast on my wrist and a couple of bandages here and there, I was just a little injured, but my parents didn't make it, i remember crying out loud scared and helpless, I had actually lost the most important people in my life, when the reality hit me it hit me hard, I was an orphan, I had nowhere else to go no one to turn too but then I realised had one last person left my elder sister, so here I am standing at the airport waiting for my sister to come to pick me up

I look exactly like my mother. I'm not very tall just the height of 5 feet, dark brown eyes, fair flawless skin, waist length jet black hair, and curves at the right places.

"Hope " yelled a very familiar voice, and I knew who it belongs to. that's my elder sister Grace

"Grace " I yelled back and embraced her in a very tight hug, and before I knew it.

I was sobbing, the familiarity the hug that I had been craving since the moment I woke up in that awful hospital, she caressed my back in a soothing way telling me that it's ok, I have her now which got me weeping harder, I'm glad I have her by my side. When I have nothing left.

I love my sister beyond limits, she is my best friend, my strong brother, my sweet sister, my everything, I really missed her, and wanted to meet her but not like this. I really loved my parents. And now all I have is her

We pulled back " come on I have a surprise for you, " she said with a ghost smile on her face

"Ok, let's go, " I said wiping my remaining tears

The drive home was filled with Grace talking about her job, my new school, our neighbors, and how they helped her redesign our house, it's a bit old building with a few improvements to be made but nothing too expensive, the family who previously lived there sold the house in a hurry so a lot of work to do

" We are home..." Grace dragged it but when I look at the house in front of me, it was beautiful, it was totally wonderful, finally a place I can home once again.

"Wow! Grace, this house is amazing Did you do all this?" I asked not believing what's in front of me, its a 2 stories house, and a cute garden, the house it is painted pale yellow with a bit gold on it.

"You have no idea how I managed to do this," she said " come on your surprise is waiting for you, " she said opening the car door and taking out my bags

"Ok, let's do this" I exhaled deeply getting out and helped her carry my bags

The house from the inside was more breathtaking then outside, the living room was really big, the walls were painted greenish yellow, there was a red couch, a coffee table, 38 inch flat screen HD t.v, a beautiful flower vase, and a wall full of family photos, there was my picture too, one caught my eye which brought a smile on my lips it was of when I was 5, smiling bring showing off my broken teeth, there were all my childhood pictures

"Remember this one" she pointed at a picture of me riding a bike

"You were 8 when you wanted a bike, you were so stubborn, you learned riding a bike in one day then broke your leg," she said remembering about one of my incidents, she smiled remembering my childish behavior

"let's go see your room, shall we?" She said linking her arm with mine walking to my room that was upstairs

"Surprise..." she exclaimed opening the bedroom door and I was astonished with the view in front of me. wow! Just wow!

My bedroom is now my most favorite place, the room is pretty big, the walls are painted violet, my favorite color. there is a queen size bed in the middle, there was an attached bathroom, and there were another 2 doors, so I opened it and it revealed a beautiful balcony and the view was amazing. From my balcony I can see the beautiful forest, hear voices of birds and animals, there were flower pots with my favorite flowers in it, and there is another balcony on my left side of the wall. OMG! 2 balconies. but this one was in front of another balcony just 4-5 feet away from mine, I shrug not thinking about it too much, maybe the previous owners were friends, maybe they liked to sneak out using this balcony.

After wondering around in my room I decided to start unpacking, my luggage was a lot, like 12 boxes a lot, all of my 17 year of life packed into the 12 boxes, I don't dwell into it too much, it took me about 2 hours to fully fill my wardrobe with clothes, shoes, jewelry which were nearly nothing, makeup and bags.

I went downstairs to see if Grace Needed any help but who am I kidding it's better if she cooks anyways because can't cook to save my life, she was in the kitchen making dinner, the smell of food was amazing, and it made my stomach growl, I didn't realise I was that hungry until the delicious, aroma of home made food called out to me.

I look at her and see that Grace is very pretty, her eyes are my personal favorite, they are light blue with a pinch of grey and a little bit of green, waist length jet black hair, and a body to die for, she has a masters in an electronic engineer. A true beauty with brain But I don't understand why she is still single.

"Something smells delicious," I said making my way towards her, inhaling the amazing aroma of a homemade meal.

"It's your favorite honey chicken and salad," she said opening the lid of the container, my mouth waters at the sight.

"All this for me?" I asked not believing that all this special treatment was just for me

"Yeah, silly it's for you," she said serving dinner for me.

this is the best day of my life.

The dinner was amazing, but I was really tired too so, I went straight to bed, I have school tomorrow, here starts my new life, new school, new friends, new everything

While I was busy in my thoughts, I didn't see there was a shadow of a person standing at the balcony but before I could see his face, I was in a deep deep sleep

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