Kankri X (Kawaii) Reader

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You happily searched around the field for more red roses, your twin pigtails bouncing around your face framing it perfectly. You turned to your close friend Kankri whom was sat on a towel a short distance away to check whether he was peeking, "You're not looking are you Kankri?" You asked with a little giggle,
"No (y/n), I wouldn't want to trigger you. Might I ask why you have forbidden me to look in your direction? If it is not too triggering." He asked a little curiously.
"You'll see!" You told him
You turned back to what you were doing. Finding another rose bush you gently pick another few roses ignoring the thorns which guarded the precious flower. The wind blew on your warm face giving a relieving cold sensation as you wandered back over to where your friend was sitting and plodded down behind him, pressing your back against his own. You heard a little gasp from behind you "(y/n) you know how I feel about physical touch, I find that sudden contact to be quite triggering!" He scolded you. You wrinkled your nose in disinterest, you listened anyway though and shuffled a little foward to shut him up, that wasn't to say you wouldn't get him back later though. You hated lectures! Carefully you began to weave the roses together and pluck them of their thorns.
"Kankri! You can turn around now." You told him holding the hand made present in your hands.
"Alright then (y/n)" He said before turning around.
You handed him an intricately made rose crown "put it on Kankri!" You told him a little excitedly. Kankri blushed a little and placed the beautiful crown on his head. "It's lovely (y/n)" he said with a small smile. That smile turned into a look of worry when he saw the devious look on your face "Well it's not free you know!" You hinted sneakily.
"And how much would you like for it?" He asked with a sigh, he cared about you too much to turn you down.
"Oh I don't care for such materialistic things!" You said with a giggle "I'd like you let me fall asleep on your lap! I'm very tired! Let me do that and the crown is yours!" You told him excitedly.
"Now (y/n) I'm not sure-"
"I would feel very triggered if you didn't accept!"
"Very well."
Carefully you placed your head on his lap, a content smile on your face. You glanced up at him through sleepy eyes, his face was flushed and his eyes were squeezed shut. You did promise yourself you would get him back for the boring lecture. A gentle breeze caressed your smooth cheeks and a small smile graced your face. "I'm flushed for ya Kankri!" You told him. Hearing this he opened his eyes and looked down at you but you were already asleep, "Flushed for you too."

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