Blink of an eye

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The rest of the school tear went by in the blink of an eye we took our final exams and soon enough we were on tje train ride home i had just finnished my first year as a hogwarts student and on the train ride home i was sitting in a carrige with luna when seamus comes in and says
Seamus: can i sit here every other is full
Kailey: get in here you little weirdo he stepps in and sits next to kailey
Luna: so how was your first year at hogwarts?
Kailey: it was amazing i rember when we first came in here at the beginning of the year with me and luna and seamus coming in with his eyebrows blown off,that was pretty funny
Everyone laughed at the thought

After summer passed they came back to hogwarts and seamus and kailey became boyfriend and girlfriend and they spent the next 5 years together and with luna they did everything together after 5 years have passed they were graduating hogwarts

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