I walked up to him and grabbed him the the ear pulling it.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!" he laughed and I dragged him to the bathroom.

"Oww! I'm naked stop!"

"Lou. If you don't take a shower I will pour cold water on you."

"Okay, okay! Just let go!" I let go of his ear, and huffed crossing my arms. He rubbed on his ear frowning.

"You're so mean to me."
"Love you." I smiled innocently.
"I don't."
"Yeah you do." I laughed walking out the bathroom closing the door. I heard the shower turn on and smiled to myself in victory.

I took my clothes off and examined the costume and how I would put it on. It was a regular wonder woman dress.

"what the fuuuckk?" The dress wasn't the one from the website. "Ugh!" i groaned. This was just a female version of superman.

I put on the dress and the cape and it looked okay, but a little short. I shrugged and did my hair. I put on the superwoman head band thing and nodded in approval at myself in the mirror. The wonder woman one would've looked better but i guess. i sat down huffing.

The bathroom door opened and out came Lou in his superman costume.

"Oh my god! You look so cute!" I squealed. He looked so 1900's with his hair styled down.

"Oh, shut up." He muttered.

I laughed and stood up.

"Woah. A lot of skin is showing." Louis said with wide eyes.

I shrugged. "I can't really do anything about it."
Lou nodded. "It looks good though."

"Thanks." I giggled and did a little twirl.

"Now let me do your hair better." it looked nice, but a tad messy. I sat Lou down in front of my mirror and tried fixing his hair a little.

"That curl you did makes me look gay." he tugged at the little curl on his forehead.

"No it makes you look like superman." I chuckled.

Louis shrugged standing up. "Shall we go?"

I nodded grabbing my phone and putting it in my small purse. It was red so it went with my costume.

Louis handed me his phone and I put it in my little purse too, along with like thirty bucks, just in case.

"Let's go superman."

Outside wasn't that cold, so I felt fine in the skirt.

We got to the party and it was packed. Lily's house was big but even as big as it was some people had to stand outside. I saw like eight other Superman's, and Batman's and slutty cats, I should've known superman was a common thing. I spotted Lily in a short black dress with a witch hat on.
"Let's go say hi." I pulled on Louis's arm and walked towards her.

She immediately spotted us and smiled.

"Charlotte!" She said tackling and wrapping her arms around me.

"Hey Lil." I laughed.

She let go of me and waved at Lou. "Hi Lewis."

"Hi." He said.

I laughed a little looking away from Louis' fake smile.

"Wow you two are looking very sexy tonight." She winked at me and I laughed out loud.

"Why thank you!" I said posing a little.

She nodded and grabbed my hand. "Cmon, I sneaked some drinks from my moms secret cabinet, they're in the kitchen."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2022 ⏰

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