Sir William stopped the watch's motion. "As you are aware, we have found no evidence to corroborate your statements. We do have CCTV footage of you at the Tube station and proceeding to her flat, but we have no footage of you entering the subway system. However, we have no records of any calls on your mobile phone records that evening and there are no calls registered for Miriam's mobile and home phones."

"I can offer you no rational explanation for this, Sir William, but I am not a man who suffers from hallucinations or imagining non-existent conversations. I did make and receive those calls."

"I think you're telling me the truth or you're delusional since you passed our lie detector tests." Snapping his watch shut, Sir William stood up from the bench. "Did you know her real name?"

Hamed's trademark enigmatic smile was his only response.

"Then I take it you will understand why I am puzzled by your association with this woman."

"As I said, Sir William. I have a family and a duty to consider." Hamed walked over to the door. "Guard! My consultations with Sir William are finished." He turned to face the barrister. "I still have a duty to perform."

Sir William stared out the cell window as the footsteps of Hamed and his guards receded.



Almost 4,000 miles east of London, Sir William's 'protégé' sat on a blanket in a large cave northeast of Kandahar as he listened to the introductions being performed between Taliban and NATO truce negotiators.


Separated by an ornate blanket, three Taliban leaders, dressed in their traditional tribal dress, faced three NATO negotiators in the dimly lit enclosure.


Sangar Abdullah, the chief Taliban negotiator, gestured at the fruit and utensils arranged on the dastarkhan, the blanket spread into a traditional Pashtun dining arrangement. "I must apologize for the meagerness of my hospitality, but the war ... "

He paused to examine the NATO negotiators seated across from him and his two subordinates. "I think we can both acknowledge that our peoples are tired from this incessant conflict. As you can see, your sensors will not be able to detect this site, since we are not using any heat sources or radio wave emitting equipment. Have you considered the last offer we sent to you?"

Without waiting for a response, he uncapped a large Thermos flask and poured a steaming creamy liquid into several small aluminum cups. He passed the cups to each NATO negotiator and then to his companions.

Two cups remained in the center of the blanket.

"Who is the Sergeant Major sitting in the shadows? I would like to know the names of all of my guests. It is our custom." He passed one of the remaining cups to Piers Zaum, the civilian NATO Negotiator. "Please give him this."

As he accepted the cup of tea, Christopher Nobriega responded, "I'm Company Sarn't-Major Patterson, sir. I'm here to help the gentlemen with any translations or understanding of Pashtun customs." He slowly sipped and gestured his appreciation to Sangar.

"Welcome, Sarn't-Major. Your actions and response tell me that you are a warrior who has fought in Helmand before." Sangar picked up the remaining cup and sipped the sweet, creamy tea. "As your Sarn't-Major has demonstrated, it is not poisoned, gentlemen. He is aware of our customs of hospitality – even to our enemies."

The civilian, Piers Zaum, followed suit before responding. "Good tea." He paused and reverted to his traditional diplomatic demeanor. "We have reviewed your offer and we are prepared to commence negotiations after we establish your credentials." He paused to sip from the aluminum cup. "We must receive assurances that you represent the Taliban in this province. I am the representative from the NATO council. Colonel Dalton represents the NATO International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) and is from the U.S. Army. Major Higgins is the area commander from Her Majesty's Grenadier Guards."

The Shaddad Conspiracyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें