The Truth

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Creepella was sitting beside me looking worried. Others were also tensed. Paulina and Nicky were walking back and forth around the room. I got up shouting "I can't leave you Petunia!" Everyone was staring at me and the room was filled with silence until my cute, favourite nephew came to me saying "I am so glad that you're okay." I smiled at him. Then Grandpa Shortpaws called him and he went. After that, Creepella asked me, "Who is Petunia?" I said that she is the most prettiest mouse in Rodents Gazette. Her name is Petunia Pretty Paws. As I was to say the last sentence, I was trembling with fear. With a lot of courage, I said the last sentence- And I have a crush on her! This time everyone was glaring at me. Creepella started to cry and left the room. I could understand her pain. Again the room was filled with silence. I thought that "did I do the right thing by telling the truth or wrong?" I took a deep breath and said the following sentence to them-
I'm really sorry, but I can't marry Creepella. Pamela opened her mouth to speak but before she could do so my cell phone rang. It was Petunia. I was so happy that she called but I knew that it was not the right time to answer her call. Still, I picked up my phone to talk. We talked for a long time. Everyone was waiting for me to finish the call. Violet and Colette even fell asleep. Suddenly, Petunia asked me whether I would like to go with her to watch a movie. I was so delighted to hear that. But I was also worried about what will my family say about this. When we finished talking. Pamela and Trap asked me that " What did Petunia say?" Does she know about your wedding?" I told them that I didn't tell her anything about my engagement and wedding. Nicky made a sound as if she was relieved from the tension. Thea clapped her hands to draw everyone's attention to her. She told that "if Geronimo likes Petunia not Creepella, then we should cancel his wedding with Creepella." "But who will persude Creepella?", Grandpa Shortpaws said. We will, Thea and Pamela said in a stern voice. But the question is that "Will you be able to do so??" an unknown voice said. It came from my back. I turned and saw........

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