Dougie's Birthday

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It's Dougie's Birthday and Ellie had bought him lots of presents and planned to spoil him.
Dougie woke up to find Ellie was not there, she was making a special breakfast for him and also had another surprise up her sleeve. She walked into the bedroom and Dougie's eyes lit up. "Happy Birthday Gorgeous", Ellie was wearing a dinosaur onesie. Dougie sat up, "do you like it?" Love it, I love it he said with a huge grin on his face. Dougie tapped on the bed for Ellie to come next to him which she did. He grabbed her and pulled her close. You make a beautiful dinosaur, if you were a breed of dinosaur you would be my favourite. They both laughed, as they got up to have breakfast Dougie took a mirror selfie of them. He uploaded it to Instagram with the caption, just found a new breed of dinosaur the Ellie Saurus, my favourite. This is the best Birthday ever expect last year that was awesome too. "You haven't done anything yet or had any presents", I think this tops any of that off.

After Dougie's Birthday breakfast Ellie gave Dougie his presents. "You didn't have to get me all this" I wanted to you deserve to be spoilt. Dougie opened a small box which contained a chain with a pendant engraved on the back schwing love Ellie. "Do you like it?" Love it, he then opened a medium size package containing a new jacket, this is rad he immediately put the jacket on and looked in the mirror. "Looks great on you", come here Ells Dougie pulled Ellie in for a kiss and put his arms round her rubbing them up and down her back. "You still have some more to open", I know but I have all I want here, you really didn't have to get me all this, love you. He sat back down and opened some more presents. The last one was a bigger package which contained a fedora hat, that's sick, awesome. Inside Ellie had placed a hand written letter she wrote him. "You can read this later. Are you ready for your next surprise?' Their is more? "Yes let's get ready and we will go out." I'm all ready, "well I can't go out like this. Dougie pulled a sad face. Ellie laughed, " I won't be long".

Ellie was taking Dougie to the park for a walk and then to a restaurant for lunch. For the evening she had got tickets to a gig and then booked a room in a hotel for the night.
You all ready Doug? "Yeah good to go", he was wearing his new hat. Glad you like the hat, "I love it". I thought we could go for a walk and then I have booked us a table for lunch. "Sounds great, let's go."

They walked arm in arm as they made there way to the local park and Ellie couldn't keep her eyes off him. As they walked through the park Ellie ran on ahead, Dougie looked around but couldn't see her. Out she jumped from behind a tree scaring Dougie half to death. He breathed heavily, Ellie laughing her head off. She then kissed him on the cheek and held out her hand for him to hold. They strolled along chatting and, laughing, they were having a great time.

Later on "are you hungry now Doug?" Yes where are we going?" Chipotle, "My favourite" I know that's why I booked it she said with a smile. Ellie had arranged for the rest of the band to be there to surprise him. As they went inside everyone was waiting at a table, surprise they all said. "Rad thanks guys this is awesome", Dougie sat in his seat Ellie sat next to him, as they all chatted Down give out his arm around her and looked at her, she was smiling and happy. He loved seeing Ellie smile and he loved to see her getting on with everyone. It would have been awkward if they didn't all get on with each other, so Dougie liked that they did. As everyone was looking at the menus Dougie placed his arm round Ellie and kissed her, I love you he said. "Danny looked up "get a room", Dougie and Ellie laughed. Dougie was having such a great time, so was Ellie she loved seeing him smile. She loved his smile it made her feel all warm inside and she just loved that gorgeous face of his.
As it came to the end of the meal, the waitress came out with a cake, everyone sang to Dougie and then began to tuck in. Lovely cake everyone said, you can't go wrong with cake said Gi. Am sure if you hadn't have met me you would of married cake, Tom joked. everyone laughed. "Thanks for an awesome Birthday everyone". Everyone got up to leave and hugged, said their goodbyes and gave Dougie cards and gifts.

It was just Ellie and Dougie left, "are you ready to go gorgeous?" Yes, thank you for today I have had the best time, I love you lots. They both made there way outside to catch a cab home, ready for the next surprise. I'm pooped Dougie said as they got in to the flat, I need a nap. "Sure and then you can have your next surprise." You really have spoilt me Ellie, you didn't need to do all this. "I love you and you deserve it, now stop thanking me and get in that bed so we can snuggle." Yes Miss, I can't say not to snuggles now can I?" Dougie took of his shirt and lay on the bed Ellie joining him she rested her head on his chest and let the smell and warmth of him fill her body. She closed her eyes and smiled.

Later on Dougie woke first and he lay there watching Ellie sleep, he loved to watch her not in a stalkerish way but because she was so beautiful. Ellie slowly woke up and caught Dougie looking, "how long have you been awake?" Long enough to watch my beautiful girl he replied. He kissed her and pulled her close kissing her some more.

Ready for your next surprise? "Yes, Dougie smiled". Ellie went to get the letter and checked her phone while she was there. Urghhh, "what's up Dougie shouted". Here, I'm sorry it's been cancelled. "Awesome Ells this was awesome, it's the thought that counts." I'm sorry Doug I had booked a hotel and I thought we could get room service and get ready then go. "That still sounds awesome be a shame not to". You still want to go? "Yes of course, I'm going to get ready ". Stay here a bit longer? Dougie got back into the bed and they cuddled some more, before deciding they were to comfy there and decided not to go to the hotel after all. They ordered a veggie take away watched films a snuggled. "This has been rad Ells". I'm so glad you have had a nice day.
"It will be your Birthday soon." Yes soon....

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2015 ⏰

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