The Feeling You Get

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When he's near you, you nearly die
But its the worst thing when you say bye
Another girl is always in your way, but you don't know what to do
It seems like he likes you
But you can't tell if he likes you for real or just as a friend
Don't want to ruin it, don't want it to end
Staying up at night listening to songs and thinking of him
You don't understand why it has to be like this
Your friends won't tell you the truth, just that you look good together
But that might be just to make you feel better
Want to get his number, but don't know how
Know he has many girls numbers, what now
Knows he likes someone else, but still feel like you're the one
Then the next day you feel like pond scum
Make up your mind, you think, staring at him from a distance
Feel awkward, afraid of disaster in an instant
Waiting for that moment when you know you'll blurt it out
Just act quiet and shut your mouth
Good friend always end up together, you tell yourself
But inside you know he's with someone else
In the end you're happy with your friendship
But then you're jealous of the relationship she has with him

I decided i was going to start writing poems. I thought i sucked at poetry, but i have to admit, this isn't my worst one.
Tell me your opinion on this poem and if you can relate or not, because i know liking a good friend is bad sometimes. Most if the time.
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