Chapter 4: A surprising visitor

Start from the beginning

'How come Grace is so strict? We only skipped for three hours, hardly the end of the world.' Max rolled his eyes, clearly the apology was a massive fake.

Charlotte shrugged, 'She's a little protective.'

'That's lame, it's going to be harder to sneak you out at night and stuff isn't it?'

Charlotte raised an eyebrow at him amused, 'Sneak me out?'

'It's alright, I love a challenge,' Max winked pushing open the door to her bedroom. Lucky guess.

Charlotte followed him into her bedroom hoping beyond hope she hadn't left any underwear on the floor, and there were no embarrassing objects lying around. Although she didn't have much to worry about as Max made a beeline for her bed throwing himself onto it comfortably. She gingerly took a seat on her desk chair, eyes still darting around trying to spot anything she wouldn't want Max to see.

'So did you get in a lot of shit today?' He grinned from his spot. 'I'm not really sorry by the way, just sorry we got caught.'

Charlotte shrugged, to be honest when she saw Chuck she knew it was bad but she definitely couldn't tell Max why. 'Not really, she was just worried.'

'Worried about her poor baby all alone?' He smirked. 'On a Monday morning in Winchester? What on earth did she think happened to you?' He was laughing now, 'You guys really have no idea what this town is like do you?'

Charlotte couldn't help but smile back at his amusement, 'I guess not...'

'Nothing crazy ever happens here! The biggest law breakers are the geriatrics in the old folks home that break out on a Sunday afternoon to feed the ducks in the park....' He laughed again, 'And everyone knows they do it!'

Charlotte nearly doubled over laughing at the image of the old people. 'Sounds like my kind of town to be honest,' she giggled. 'Nice and safe.'

Max smiled slowly raising an eyebrow, 'Why on earth does a 'nice and safe' town seem so appealing to you? Not much of a risk taker I guess?'

He was teasing her but Charlotte could have kicked herself. Nice and safe? Why would she say that? What normal person would get excited over a safe town? Max was going to think she was crazy, or worse she would give away her secret and they'd have to move again. She clamped her mouth shut.

'Charlotte? Max?' Grace called out from down the stairs. 'Pizza for dinner ok?'

'Is that a trick question Mrs Avery?' Max replied in delight. 'I knew I loved you.'

Charlotte rolled her eyes at him and laughed, 'You're such a suck up!'

'Jealous?' He winked, 'Plenty of love to go around don't you worry.'

Charlotte rolled her eyes and jumped up heading over to her dressing table quickly slipping a small photo album into the drawer. Definitely not something she wanted Max to see. It's not that the photos were incriminating or would give away her past life, they were more so embarrassing. Awkward baby shots...Stuff like that.

Chuck had made them throw away any personal items that would remind them or give away anything about their home town. That was pretty hard for Charlotte, something simple like a photo of her and her two best friends outside their school wasn't allowed to come with them. Her school name was printed on the walls outside, clearly visible in the photograph. Chuck didn't even flinch when he told her to shred it as Charlotte's eyes filled with tears. It wasn't bad enough that she couldn't see her best friends ever again, but now she had nothing to remember them by.

Grace had glared at Chuck and shooed him out of the room, the bewildered look on Chuck's face was amusing to Charlotte now. But at the time she'd hated him.

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