Demented (2)

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Originally I was going to leave it as is but then I realized that I left it at a cliffhanger. And because of that and some other technical difficulties, I will be adding a little at a time to chapters. Not just one whole chapter at a time. I'm sorry if it's boring! I started this a couple of moths ago and i forgot where i was going with this! So here it is. Thank you for reading and for your patience. I had major writers’ block for this chapter. Oh and if anyone has an idea for a name for the school please tell me!! I beg you!! I’m on my knees!!!! Well, not really. But, you get what I’m trying to say, right? Oh, whatever… Back to the story à


Chapter Two

It’s been two weeks since I’ve entered that messed up school. And despite what Ryuu said about not helping me out, they’re always there watching over me.

“Hey,” Ryuu stood in front of me. He looked uncomfortable for some reason.

“Hey?” It came out more as a question than a reply.

“Listen, I need my sweater back.”

“What? Why? I’ll die!”

“You never agreed to pay. These past two weeks were the free trial. If you wanna continue the protection all you have to do is be our—“

“What every happened to ‘I’ll never let anyone hurt you’?”

“Oh, that… you see I was… talking out of—“

“Get your asses back into your seats. We’ve got learning to do.” Why is this teacher always in a bad mood?


Oh, no. oh, no. oh, no! I’m screwed! I’m dead! I’m in hell now!

Another day has gone to waste because that guy took over my mind again. Every time he came over I went the other direction. Although it has only been half the day, I am tired of running. I just want lunch to come to I can relax and eat.

“That’s it for today. Go eat.”

Oh, wow. I can’t believe my luck. Maybe God is trying to say ‘Look you’re gonna die later so, here, make the most of it’.

As I waited in line to buy something to eat, I noticed that the guys were looking at me as if planning something. When it was my turn I quickly got what I wanted and ran to the corner of the room, trying to be invisible. Soon after my first bite I was joined by them. They sat and happily started eating. They gave me ‘sup’ nods and smiled and talked and laughed. I was awe struck. How could they just sit with me? After all I didn’t agree so they don’t need to be with me.

“What are you doing here?” I managed to say something.

“What do you mean?” Ayumu asked.

“You know, since we sat here, you haven’t taken another bite out of your food,” Shigeru pointed out innocently. Yonji nodded in agreement.

“Guys, she hasn’t agreed. So there’s no need to be with her.”

“But Ryuu!!” Shigeru whined.

“Come on, man. You know you wanna sit with her, too,” Ayumu teased as I tilted my head and looked out of the corner of my eye because of my bangs being in my eyes.

“Alright, fine. Since we’re all here we can discuss your payment,” Either my eyes were playing tricks on me or he really did blush when he sat straight across from me.

“Let me get this straight. You are protecting me from others who want to… steal my innocence. But my payment is my innocence?” After I said that, everybody was either doing a spit take or choking on their food.

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