You Get Captured By The Government For Experimentation

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You get Captured by The Government for Experimentation.


He threw a tantrum. He cumbled buildings and took the governments family members in hostage. Once they give you back to him, you were barely breathing so he injured thier family members just as what the government did to you.


She killed every single person who got in her way. She also pulled a few strings and asked Eric to bomb the place you were being held captive after she found you, which he did. The place was bombed and that sent the meassage to never mess with her.


He found you motionless on a bed with needles piercing your skin. They have been cutting pieces of your flesh to get some DNA. They wanted to observe how you steal the 5 senses by mixing your DNA and mixing it with an acid and injecting it back to your body. You shook violently and it almost took your mutation too. He captured all the scientists that experimented on you and locked them in the basement while he nursed you back to health. After 3 weeks, hr left them to you. You stole all of thier senses, making it a literal useless living body.


At first he tried to reason with the government, trying to avoid bloodshed. But since they didn't budge, he sent the X-Men to deal with them with the order not to leave the place with anyone alive but you.


Even Phoniex was angry so Jean let her take control. She crumbled the whole building with one swipe after searching for you.

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